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Lesson Plans 


Week Twenty-Nine: March 09-13

Week Twenty-nine: March 09-13

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

03/09 M Reading, watching, and acting out Act 4 sc 3

03/10 T  Diagnostic Test—Reading Non-fiction

03/11 W Reading and watching Act V—answering packet questions

03/12: Logical Fallacies Project –watching Mean Girls

03/13: FridayAct 80 Day—No school for students. Have a great weekend!!



Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

03/09 M Reading Act 5 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

03/10 T  Watching Act 5 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

03/11 W Watching Act 5 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

03/12 Watching and acting out Act 4 sc 3 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

03/13 FridayAct 80 Day—No school for students. Have a great weekend!!


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

03/09 Reading Hamlet Act 5 sc 1, answering packet questions

03/10 Watching Hamlet Act 5, sc 2, answering packet questions.

03/11 W Reading Hamlet, Act 5—“Shakespeare Made Easy.”

5 participation points

03/12: Thursday: Reading Hamlet, Act 5—“Shakespeare Made Easy.” 5 participation points

03/13: FridayAct 80 Day—No school for students. Have a great weekend!!


Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) will be filming and helping to run/set up the Large Class filmed debate this week.


Argument 1

03/09 M  Large Group work— Rehearsal for our filmed debate, which will be tomorrow per 6-8. Topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward."

Potential topics: Climate change and the environment. The legalization of Marijuana. Health Care. Free college for all. Medicare for all. Social Media and Democracy. Poverty. Unemployment. Education. Universal Basic Income and AI. Technology and innovation as it effects any of the previous topics.

Begin to research and discuss the topics your group has chosen. Eventually, your group will need solid positions on each of the three topics you choose, AND a position on which generational group is best prepared to “Move America Forward” because of what you’ve said about your topics. We will also eventually need speakers to present short position papers, journalists to ask questions (which should be written in a long list, but also improvised on the spot,) audience members to ask questions (support questions and clash questions, open-ended and follow-up) and people to film. Someone should write a list of potential questions for the speakers to ask each other. Are we going to prepare any Liz Warren-style attack questions? Are we going to call each out on our logical fallacies if we do?


03/10 T   Very Large Group—event—Filmed Debate in the Lecture Hall periods 6-8—Topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." – Practice filming.


03/11 W Discussion of —Filmed Debate in the Lecture Hall. Our assigned topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." --

03/12: Thursday: SPAR Debates. Next Week: Acting Lessons!

03/13: Friday Act 80 Day—No school for students. Have a great weekend!!

Week Twenty-eight: March 02-06

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

03/02 M Review of Logical Fallacies

03/03 T  Act III sc ii questions

03/04 W Logical Fallacies and Legitimate Persuasion Project

03/05: Thursday: Logical Fallacies and Legitimate Persuasion Project

03/06: FridayLogical Fallacies and Legitimate Persuasion Project


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

03/02 M Reading Act 4 sc 2 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

03/03 T  Reading Act 4 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

03/04 W Reading Act 4 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

03/05 Watching two versions of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew

03/06 FridayQuiz on Acts 3 & 4


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

03/02 Reading Hamlet Act 4 sc 5, answering packet questions

03/03 Watching Hamlet Act 4, answering packet questions.

03/04 W Reading Hamlet, Act 5—“Shakespeare Made Easy.” 5 participation points

03/05: Thursday: Reading Hamlet, Act 5—“Shakespeare Made Easy.” 5 participation points

03/06: FridayWatching Hamlet Act 5—Quiz Tuesday.


Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:

M— No School—enjoy your day off!

T— Run throughs and blocking and memorization.!

W— Run throughs and memorization.

R—I want this memorized in 1 week.

F— SPAR Debates with Argument 2


Argument 1

03/02 M  Small Group work—Within your small group, create a page of supportive questions and a page of opposition questions for your candidate. Run through potential answers with them. Are we allowing logical fallacies? Our Filmed Debate topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward."

Potential topics: Climate change and the environment. The legalization of Marijuana. Health Care. Free college for all. Medicare for all. Social Media and Democracy. Poverty. Unemployment. Education. Universal Basic Income and AI. Technology and innovation as it effects any of the previous topics.

Begin to research and discuss the topics your group has chosen. Eventually, your group will need solid positions on each of the three topics you choose, AND a position on which generational group is best prepared to “Move America Forward” because of what you’ve said about your topics. We will also eventually need speakers to present short position papers, journalists to ask questions (which should be written in a long list, but also improvised on the spot,) audience members to ask questions (support questions and clash questions, open-ended and follow-up) and people to film. Someone should write a list of potential questions for the speakers to ask each other. Are we going to prepare any Liz Warren-style attack questions? Are we going to call each out on our logical fallacies if we do?


03/03 T   Small Group work—Practice delivering speeches for our assigned topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." – Practice filming.


03/04 W Large Group work—Filmed Debate in the Lecture Hall. Our assigned topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." --

See Monday’s assignment. Focus on writing questions

03/05: Thursday: Large Group work—Filmed Debate in the Lecture Hall. Our assigned topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." --

03/06: Friday SPAR Debates.


Week Twenty-seven: February 24-28

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

02/24 M Acting out Act III scene I of Julius Caesar.

02/25 T  Quiz on Acts II and Act III sc I.

02/26 W Quizlet on Act III vocabulary

02/27: Thursday: Reading Act III Scene II of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Answering packet questions as we progress. 5 participation points.

02/28: FridayReview of Logical Fallacies


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

02/24 M Reading Act 3 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02/25 T  Reading Act 3 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02/26 W Reading Act 3 of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02/27: Watching three versions of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew

02/28: FridayQuiz on Acts 2 & 3


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

02/24 Reading Hamlet Act 4, answering packet questions

02/25 Reading Hamlet Act 4, answering packet questions. 5 participation points

02/26 W Act 5 quizlet

02/27: Thursday: Watching Act 4 and answering “Whole Act” questions. 5 participation points Quiz on Act 4

02/28: FridayQuiz on Act 4


Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:

M— No School—enjoy your day off!

T— Run throughs and blocking and memorization.!

W— Run throughs and memorization.

R—I want this memorized in 1 week.

F— SPAR Debates with Argument 2


Argument 1

02/24 M  Small Group work—Within your small group, choose at least three of the following topics that contribute to the discussion of our Filmed Debate topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." (when it comes to your small group topic or any of the other topics that lends itself easily to your discussion.)

Potential topics: Climate change and the environment. The legalization of Marijuana. Health Care. Free college for all. Medicare for all. Social Media and Democracy. Poverty. Unemployment. Education. Universal Basic Income and AI. Technology and innovation as it affects any of the previous topics.

Begin to research and discuss the topics your group has chosen. Eventually, your group will need solid positions on each of the three topics you choose, AND a position on which generational group is best prepared to “Move America Forward” because of what you’ve said about your topics. We will also eventually need speakers to present short position papers, journalists to ask questions (which should be written in a long list, but also improvised on the spot,) audience members to ask questions (support questions and clash questions, open-ended and follow-up) and people to film. Someone should write a list of potential questions for the speakers to ask each other. Are we going to prepare any Liz Warren-style attack questions? Are we going to call each out on our logical fallacies if we do?


02/25 T   Small Group work—Continue to prepare to debate our assigned topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." --

See Monday’s assignment. Focus on researching positions and issues.

02/26 W Small Group work—Continue to prepare to debate our assigned topic: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." --

See Monday’s assignment. Focus on writing questions

02/27: Thursday: Discussion: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward." This should be interesting by now. A research day, if that’s necessary. Small group work.

02/28: Friday SPAR Debates

Week Twenty-five: February 10-14


CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 


02/10 M Watching Act 1 & answering “Whole Act Questions” & “Quotation Identifications”


Period 2 Homework: Quizlet quizzes due tomorrow for Act 2 vocabulary


02/11 T  Review of Act 1 & vocabulary for Act 2


02/12 W Quiz on Act 1, including character identification, plot-level questions, short paragraph analysis questions, and questions about vocabulary for Act II


02/13: Thursday: Reading Act II Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Answering packet questions as we progress. 5 participation points.


02/14: Friday: Thursday: Reading Act II Scene II of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Answering packet questions as we progress. 5 participation points.




Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239


02/10 M Drawing a diagram to help us with our understanding of the plot and character identifications; quotation identifications, Act 2 vocabulary.


02/11 T  A quiz on Act 1


Homework: A take-home quiz on the independent novels. Due Thursday.


02/12 W Reading Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew—Act 2 sc 1


02/13: Reading Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew—Act 2 sc 1


02/14: Friday: Watching The Taming of the Shrew—the Burton-Taylor version


Take home quiz: Independent novels




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


02/10 Hamlet Act 2—reading the modern translation and answering packet questions. 5 participation points


02/11 Hamlet Act 2—reading the modern translation and answering packet questions. 5 participation points


02/12 W Quizlet on Act 2 vocabulary


02/13: Thursday: Watching Act 2 and answering “Whole Act” questions.


02/14: FridayQuiz on Act 2




Class: Argument  & Performance


  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:


M— Run throughs and blocking and memorization. I need a progress report today!


T— Run throughs and blocking and memorization.!


W— Run throughs and memorization.


R—I want this memorized in 1 week.


F— SPAR Debates with Argument 2




Argument 1


02/10 M Small Group Arguments. Active Debating vs Flowing arguments. Questions. Discussing 2 topics.


02/11 T   Small Group Arguments. Active Debating vs Flowing arguments. Questions. Discussing 2 topics.


02/12 W Small Group Arguments. Active Debating vs Flowing arguments. Questions. Discussing 2 topics.


02/13: Thursday: Discussion: "Today's youth are the best equipped to move America forward."


02/14: Friday SPAR Debates

Week Twenty-four: February 03-07

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

02/03 M A day off—enjoy!!

02/04 T  Movie Scene Comparison—Act 1 sc 2 of the 2009 RSC Julius Caesar, the 1953 Metro Goldwyn Mayer version, and the 1970 Lionsgate version. Students will write a compare/contrast paragraph.

02/05 W Reading Act 1 Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Answering packet questions as we progress. 5 participation points.

02/06: Thursday: Reading Act 1 Scene 3 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Answering packet questions as we progress. 5 participation points.

02/07: FridayReading, watching, and discussing Act 1 Scenes 1-3 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Answering packet questions as we progress. 5 participation points.



Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

02/03 M A day off—enjoy!!

02/04 T  Reading Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew—Act 1 sc 1

02/05 W Reading Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew—Act 1 sc 2

02/06: Watching The Taming of the Shrew—John Cleese’s version

02/07: Friday: Large group discussion—Independent novels


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

02/03 A day off—enjoy!!

02/04 Hamlet Act 1, sc 1 –watching the film and answering packet questions. 5 participation points

02/05 W Quiz on Act 1.

02/06: Thursday: Quizlet on vocabulary for Act 2 of Hamlet.                                                    

02/07: FridayHamlet, Act 2, sc 1— reading aloud and answering packet questions. 5 participation points



Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:

M— A day off—enjoy!

T— Run throughs and blocking and memorization. I need a progress report today!

W— Run throughs and memorization.

R—I want this memorized in 1 week.

F— Run something without scripts.


Argument 1

02/03 M A day off—enjoy!!

02/04 T   Writing 2 body paragraphs

02/05 W write your conclusion

02/06: Thursday: small group work—timing your speeches

02/07: Friday Small Group Debates!


Week Twenty-two: Jan 20-24

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

01/20 M Martin Luther King Jr. Day—Students have a day off—enjoy!

01/21 T  Notes on Historical Information –for Julius Caesar and William Shakespeare/Shakespeare’s theater

01/22 W Quizlet vocabulary for Act 1 terms

Homework: Sentences using terms for Act 1

01/23: Thursday: Notes on Literary devices used in Shakespeare’s plays/ Worksheet on translating sentences

01/24: Friday: Quiz on background information for Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar – 2 quizlet sets, historical information on Caesar, historical information on Shakespeare & the Globe



Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

01/20 M Martin Luther King Jr. Day—Students have a day off—enjoy!


01/21 T  Review of Homework from last week—your small group has choosen a topic to argue about (from, or one that you invented and I approved.) Half of your group will argue the "pro" side and half will argue the "con" side, but EACH group member will use one legitimate persuasion technique and one fallacy during his or her argument. When the groups present their arguments, anyone not in the group will identify which techniques have been used and explain which techniques were most effective.

01/22 W Quiz on your independent novels

01/23: Thursday: Notes on Literary devices used in Shakespeare’s plays/ Worksheet on translating sentences & using literary devices

01/24: Friday: Notes on Shakespeare’s theater & life & times. Quiz Monday.


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

01/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day—Students have a day off—enjoy!

01/21 Worksheet on Translating Modern English to Elizabethan English

01/22 W Quiz on producing Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Theater & 20 vocabulary terms (conscripted—armaments.)

01/23: Thursday: Hamlet Act 1, sc 1 –reading aloud and answering packet questions                                                      

01/24: Friday:  Hamlet, Act 1, sc 1—watching the film, answering packet questions




Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:

M— Martin Luther King Jr. Day—Students have a day off—enjoy!

T—Run Lines!! Okay, blocking would be a good idea, too.

W—Run Lines!!

R—I want this memorized in 2 weeks.

F— Run something without scripts—the first 2-3 pages of the first scene?


Argument 1

01/20 M Martin Luther King Jr. Day—Students have a day off—enjoy!

01/21 T  Students will write & post their new bills. Each class will vote on one bill to address.

01/22 W Researching and writing a negation speech for the Bill the class chose yesterday.

01/23: Thursday: Student Congress Session #1

01/24: Friday Student Congress Session #2

Week Twenty-one: Jan 13-17


CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 


01/13 M Review of Homework; We'll be watching video clips from and analyzing them for logical fallacies and legitimate persuasion.  Then, your small group will choose a topic to argue about (from, or one that you invent and I approve.) Half of your group will argue the "pro" side and half will argue the "con" side, but EACH group member will use one legitimate persuasion technique and one fallacy during his or her argument. When the groups present their arguments, anyone not in the group will identify which techniques have been used and explain which techniques were most effective.


01/14 T  Quiz on Logical Fallacies and Legitimate Persuasion.


Homework: A Vocabulary Assignment: If we have time left over, we will do vocabulary--p. 157-159, ex. 5.8-5.10 & sentences for the following terms: astringent, constrict, unrestricted, carnivore, devour, omnivorous, voracious, convivial, revive, vivacious, vivacity, vivid, vivify, vivisection--reading the sentences out loud in class to check them 


01/15 W Notes on Shakespeare’s Language/Quizlet


Homework: Sentences using Elizabethan terms


01/16: Thursday: Notes on Literary devices used in Shakespeare’s plays/ Worksheet on translating sentences


01/17: Friday: Historical Background with John Green and a few notes on Shakespeare’s Life and Times. Big test on Shakespearean Language and historical background Tuesday of next week!






Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239


01/13 M Review of Homework; We'll be watching video clips from and analyzing them for logical fallacies and legitimate persuasion.  Then, your small group will choose a topic  to argue about (from, or one that you invent and I approve.) Half of your group will argue the "pro" side and half will argue the "con" side, but EACH group member will use one legitimate persuasion technique and one fallacy during his or her argument. When the groups present their arguments, anyone not in the group will identify which techniques have been used and explain which techniques were most effective.


01/14 T  Quiz on Logical Fallacies and Legitimate Persuasion.


Homework: A Vocabulary Assignment: If we have time left over, we will do vocabulary--p. 157-159, ex. 5.8-5.10 & sentences for the following terms: astringent, constrict, unrestricted, carnivore, devour, omnivorous, voracious, convivial, revive, vivacious, vivacity, vivid, vivify, vivisection--reading the sentences out loud in class to check them 


01/15 W Notes on Shakespeare’s Language/Quizlet


Homework: Sentences using Elizabethan terms


01/16: Thursday: Notes on Literary devices used in Shakespeare’s plays/ Worksheet on translating sentences


01/17: Friday: Historical Background with John Green and a few notes on Shakespeare’s Life and Times. Big test on Shakespearean Language and historical background Tuesday of next week!




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


01/13 Notes on Literary Devices used in Shakespeare’s Plays/Worksheet & group work


01/14 Quiz on Shakespeare’s Language & use of Literary Devices


01/15 W Notes on producing Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Theater


01/16: Thursday: Hamlet Act 1, sc 1                                                        


01/17: Friday:  Hamlet, Act 1, sc 2




Class: Argument  & Performance


  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:


M—Rearrange the room so that blocking is possible. Block any scenes that aren’t blocked yet. Make a list of props you will be needing


T—Memorize lines in pairs


W—Memorize lines in pairs


R—Memorize lines in pairs.


F— Run something without scripts—the first 2-3 pages of the first scene?




Argument 1


01/13 M Writing a Bill for Student Congress—group project


01/14 T  Writing a 2-minute speech for a student congress bill


01/15 W Delivering a 2-minute speech in response to a Student Congress Bill


01/16: Thursday: Small Group debate projects—small group work on rebuttals


01/17: Friday Negotiation Techniques/Rebuttal Intro—Chris Voss techniques/small group discussions w/ mirroring.

Week Twenty: Jan 06-10

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

01/06 M Introduction to Logical Fallacies—lecture and class discussion

01/07 T  Logical Fallacies—further examples, quizlet

01/08 W Logical Fallacies—on-the-fly analysis

01/09: Thursday: Logical Fallacies project

01/10: Friday: Logical Fallacies Project


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

01/06 M Introduction to Logical Fallacies—lecture and class discussion

01/07 T  Logical Fallacies—further examples, quizlet

01/08 W Logical Fallacies—on-the-fly analysis

01/09: Thursday: Logical Fallacies project

01/10: Friday: Logical Fallacies Project


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

01/06 Notes on the Renaissance/Renaissance activity

01/07 Notes on Elizabethan language

Quizlet on Elizabethan Terms

01/08 W Notes on Literary Devices/Quotations Worksheet

01/09: Thursday: Sonnet Activity/Worksheet                                                        

01/10: FridayNotes on producing Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Theater


Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:

M—Rearrange the room so that blocking is possible. Block the first scene.

T—Run lines for the first scene.

W—Run through the first scene


F—Block the second scene


Argument 1

01/06 M Toulmin Worksheets due. Lecture #1 on Debate Formats: Student Congress--introduction

01/07 T  Debate Formats: Student Congress--scoring

01/08 W Writing a 2-minute speech in response to a Student Congress Bill

01/09: Thursday: Writing a Bill for Student Congress—group project

01/10: Friday Negotiation Techniques/Rebuttal Intro—Chris Voss techniques/small group discussions w/ mirroring.


Week Nineteen: Jan 02-03

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

12/30 M Christmas Break

12/31 T  Christmas Break

01/01 W Happy New Year!!

01/02: Thursday: Keystone Analysis of Dante’s Inferno—creating multiple choice questions and free-response questions.

01/03: Friday: Greek Vocabulary: Discussion and Quizlet


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

12/30 M Christmas Break

12/31 T  Christmas Break

01/01 W Happy New Year!!

01/02: Thursday: Keystone Analysis of Dante’s Inferno—creating multiple choice questions and free-response questions.

01/03: Friday: Individual Novels—small group discussions


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

12/30 M Christmas Break

12/31 T  Christmas Break

01/01 W Happy New Year!!

01/02: Thursday:  Notes on Elizabethan language


01/03: FridayQuizlet on Elizabethan Terms





Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:

R—Run-through of the first scene. Running lines

F—Running Lines


Argument 1

12/30 M Christmas Break

12/31 T  Christmas Break

01/01 W Happy New Year!!


01/02: Thursday: Debate: Best New Year’s Resolutions for 2020/ Individual Conferences/Toulmin Worksheet

01/03: Friday Negotiation Techniques/Rebuttal Intro—Chris Voss techniques/small group discussions w/ mirroring.


Week Eighteen: Dec 16-20


CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 


12/16 M Quizlet on “A/An”. Students will write original sentences for the following terms: amoral, amorphous, anarchy, anemia, anhydrous, anomaly, anoxia, apnea, aseptic, asymptomatic, atheism, atrophy. Debate: Which Christmas movie should we watch while we work on vocabulary Tuesday and Wednesday, and while we write paragraphs on Thursday-Friday?


12/17 T  Review Exercises 1-3 on p. 118-120 of the Green vocabulary book.


12/18 W Review Exercises 4-7 on p. 120-122 of the Green vocabulary book.


12/19: Thursday: Watching a Christmas movie that the class has voted on. Paragraph: Is this the best Christmas movie that’s been made so far? If so, what makes it the best? If not, what is the best movie and what makes it the best?


12/20: Friday: Half day! Students will attend the Christmas assembly in the morning and the volleyball tournament in the afternoon.




Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239


12/16 M Student Presentations & quizzes: Amber and Arianna. Debate: Which Christmas movie should we watch after our independent reading discussions Tuesday, and while we write paragraphs on Wednesday-Thursday?


12/17 T  Independent Reading Discussions


12/18: W  Watching a Christmas movie that the class has voted on. Paragraph: Is this the best Christmas movie that’s been made so far? If so, what makes it the best? If not, what is the best movie and what makes it the best?


12/19: Thursday: Still watching the Christmas movie that the class voted on. Paragraph: What is the worst Christmas movie you’ve ever seen and what makes it the worst?


12/20: Friday: Half day! Students will attend the Christmas assembly in the morning and the volleyball tournament in the afternoon.




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


12/16 M Watching A Christmas Carol. As you watch, make a list of 10 similarities and 5 differences between the book and the movie.


12/17 T  Watching A Christmas Carol. As you watch, fill out the study guide questions for Stave 5.


12/18: Wednesday Watching The Man Who Invented Christmas & filling out the study guide as you progress.


12/19: Thursday: Watching The Man Who Invented Christmas & filling out the study guide as you progress.


12/20: Friday: Half day! Students will attend the Christmas assembly in the morning and the volleyball tournament in the afternoon.








Class: Argument  & Performance


  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


Students in Argument 2 (the Independent study) should go to room 240 to work on Heathers this week. They have a script, so they should work on blocking, character development, and memorizing lines. A suggested schedule from me might look like this:


M—Run through as readers’ theater. Sit in a circle and read the lines in character. Take notes on ideas you have for blocking and character development. Run it a second time, if possible. Take time to discuss blocking ideas.


T—Use computers from the laptop to write a character sketch for your character, making sure to cover the following topics: age, appearance, social status, school status (class rank, I guess?) activities & hobbies, home life including relationship with parents and siblings, religious beliefs, current or past romantic obsessions, intelligence level, level of happiness, and relationships with other characters in the play.


W—Runthrough of the first scene. Blocking the first scene.


R—More blocking. Have a great Christmas break!!\




12/16 M A Research day! Do more reading, or watch more relevant youtube videos. Add 2 or 3 annotated sources to your bibliography at Discuss with your half of the group what are the most important points you’ll need to make in the debate about your topic.




12/17 T SPAR Debates: What is the best Christmas Cookie? Which movie is the best Christmas movie made so far?




12/18 W Watching the best Christmas movie made so far. Write me a paragraph. Is this movie actually the best Christmas movie ever made? Why or why not?




12/19: Thursday: Watching the best Christmas movie made so far. Write me a paragraph. Is this movie actually the best Christmas movie ever made? Why or why not?




12/20: Friday: Half day! Students will attend the Christmas assembly in the morning and the volleyball tournament in the afternoon.



Week Seventeen: Dec 09-13

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

12/09 M Review 15 sentences—mono and poly. Introduction to the second Inferno project.

12/10 T  A work day on the second Inferno project

12/11 W A work day on the second Inferno project

12/12: Thursday: “Parson’s Pleasure” by Roald Dahl—a short story and questions. This will be individual work.   The class will hand in their worksheets when they are complete, and discuss the last question in the last 5-8 minutes of class.

12/13: Friday: Small group presentations of the second Inferno project. Students will meet in small groups, show the slides they have built to their group members, and vote on who has the best “agreement” slide and who has the best “disagreement” slide. Each person should write a brief note about who they voted for in each category and why and hand that note in. Finally, the whole class will meet to discuss their 4th slides, and the class will vote on whose is the best. The winner will earn 5 bonus points.


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

12/09 M Student Presentations & quizzes: Nate and Paige

Homework: Read p. 114-128; 169-174 of Dante’s Inferno

12/10 T  Student Presentations & quizzes:.Toby and Marley

Homework: Read p. 233-245; 245-264 of Dante’s Inferno

12/11: W Student Presentations & quizzes: Cam, Amber. Homework: Read p. 322-331 of Dante’s Inferno

12/12: Thursday: Quizlet on Sins and Sinners in Dante’s Inferno

12/13: FridayIndependent Reading Assignment: Small Group Work.


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

12/09 M Quiz on Stave 3 of A Christmas Carol and Stave 4 vocabulary

12/10 T  Reading the first half of Stave 4 (p. 69- ~75) of A Christmas Carol in class and answering study guide questions.

12/11: Wednesday Reading Stave 4 (~p.75-84) of A Christmas Carol in class and answering study guide questions.

12/12: Thursday: Stave 5 vocabulary quizlet. Test to an A and show the substitute. Then write original sentences for all of the terms. Hand them in by the end of class, or they’ll become homework.

12/13: Friday: 13 original sentences are due at the beginning of class. Watching A Christmas Carol—make a list of 5 similarities and 2 differences.




Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

Monday: Online response to Food, Inc.



Wednesday: Thursday: Watching Food, Inc. Homework: write  short list of the major issues addressed by the filmmakers in this movie. Then write a few sentences about which of those issues is the most important, and why.

Friday: Debate: issues surrounding food production in America,

employing at least one fact, statistic, or quotation every 90 seconds.


12/09 M Watching Food, Inc. You can use cell phones or computers to answer questions as you watch.  Online response to Food, Inc.


12/10 T Watching Food, Inc. Chain debateDo animals have rights?


12/11 W Watching Food, Inc. Chain debate: Should illegal immigrants be deported if they have found employment? Homework: think of 3 debate topics for Friday’s SPAR/Chain debates.


12/12: Thursday: Watching Food, Inc.  Small group work, in class: write a short list of the major issues addressed by the filmmakers in this movie. Then write a few sentences about which of those issues is the most important, and why. Homework: think of debate topics for tomorrow.


12/13: Friday: SPAR Debates/ Chain Debates

Week Sixteen: Dec 02-06

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

12/02 M Thanksgiving Break

12/03 T  Holt World Literature’s conclusion of Dante’s Inferno p.659-663. Answer all 8 questions in the margins, and questions 12, 13, & 15 from p. 665. Mr. Thompson will check to see that you’ve completed the assignment, and then will review the answers in the last 10-15 minutes of class if there is time. If not, the questions will be reviewed at the beginning of class tomorrow.

12/04 W Quizlet on characters in Dante’s Inferno. Quiz tomorrow on the quizlet characters.

12/05: Thursday: Quiz on Dante’s Inferno characters. Start on tomorrow’s quizlet if you have time.

12/06: Friday: Greek Root Words Mono and Poly—a Quizlet set first—show Mr. Thompson once you have earned an A. Do not forget to show him and then complain that he didn’t give you an A, silly people! Once you’ve completed the quizlet, use the following words in original sentences: monarchy, monochromatic, monogamy, monogram, monograph, monolith, monologue, monosyllabic, monotonous, polychromatic, polygamy, polyglot, polygon, polymorphic, polytheism. Anything not completed in class will become homework, so make the most of your time!


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

12/02 M Thanksgiving Break

12/03 T  Holt World Literature’s conclusion of Dante’s Inferno p.659-663. Answer all 8 questions in the margins. Mr. Thompson will check to see that you’ve completed the assignment, and then will review the answers in the last 10-15 minutes of class if there is time. Homework: Read p. 40-60 of Dante’s Inferno (That’s a lot of reading of difficult material, but don’t labor over it. One or two of your classmates is going to explain the reading to you tomorrow, obviously, so just skim it lightly, once, and get what you can out of it. This is how you should approach all of the reading for The Inferno.)


12/04: W Student Presentations & quizzes: Mason; Holly. Homework: Read p. 60-75 of Dante’s Inferno

12/05: Thursday: Student Presentations & quizzes: Alicia & Kaya. Read p 75-104 in Dante’s Inferno (That’s a lot of reading of difficult material, but don’t labor over it. One of your classmates is going to explain the reading to you tomorrow, obviously, so just skim it lightly, once, nd get what you can out of it)

12/06: FridayIndependent Reading Assignment: Small Group Work. How is this small group work going? Are you finding it easy to come up with discussion questions for your group discussions? Man, I miss you guys!!!!


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

12/02 M Reading A Christmas Carol, answering study guide questions as you read. Stave 3, part 1

12/03 T Reading A Christmas Carol, answering questions in the study guide. Stave 3, part 2

12/04: WednesdayStave 4 vocabulary quizlet; Review of Stave 2 & 3 Study Guide Questions. Quiz on Friday

12/05: Thursday: Newspaper Assignment: Newspaper Ad Assignment (This can be done with the regular newspapers, but might be more interesting if you go online to or the Pittsburgh post gazette online, or some similar site.) Do this assignment on your own, and then discuss it with your small group once everyone is done. Please use the same small groups you used for the Business project.

12/06: Friday: Quiz on Stave 2 & 3 SG questions & Stave 4 vocabulary.


Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

12/02 M Thanksgiving Break

12/03 T The King's Speech 44:57--1:02:00


12/04 W A Research day! Do more reading, or watch more relevant youtube videos. Add 2 or 3 annotated sources to your bibliography at


12/05: Thursday: A Research day! Do more reading, or watch more relevant youtube videos. Add 2 or 3 annotated sources to your bibliography at


12/06: Friday: SPAR Debates/ And-But Debates



Week Fourteen: Nov. 18-Nov. 22


CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 


11/18 M Introduction to the Dante's Inferno webquest assignment that will save you from actually having to read The Inferno itself.Try to get through 2-3 levels a day, until you get to level 8--that's a long one, and will take up to a full day all by itself.


11/19 T Inferno Webquest


11/20: WednesdayInferno webquest


11/21: Thursday: Newspaper Assignment #2--Ads.  Mr. Thompson will give you a worksheet with clear instructions.


11/22: FridayInferno Webquest




Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239


11/18 M Inferno work day--research artwork, allusions. Did you start writing this introduction, yet? Why not share the Google Doc with me early?


11/19 T Inferno work day--contrapasso, quotations
11/20: W Inferno work day--quiz questions.


11/21: Thursday: Inferno work day--discussion questions.


11/22: Independent Reading Assignment: Small Group Work




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


11/18 M Reading A Christmas Carol, p. 7-18; questions 1-7. Large class review in the last 10 minutes of class.


11/19 T Reading A Christmas Carol and answering questions in the study guide- p. 19-26; questions 8-10.


11/20: WednesdayQuiz review--vocabulary;Review of Stave 1 Study Guide Questions 


11/21: Thursday:30 question online quiz on plot questions and vocabulary from Stave One of A Christmas Carol.   


11/22: Friday:Quizet Quiz for Stave 2-p. 27-32; put the first 17 words from this list  into a original sentences for Monday.


Class: Argument  & Performance


  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


11/18 M Watching Hot Coffee. 41:00--1:02:02, answering questions as you go.   Do you have some time left? Good. Use your phones or the laptops to do some research. Is there any way in which punitive damages or damage caps could effect the controversial topic your group is researching? How? What about Media coverage? Is your topic being sensationalized? And if so, does that help you or hurt you in this instance? Have your half of your small group discuss it, brainstorm search terms and types of lawsuits, and/or the media coverage of your topic, and start looking for relevant lawsuits or media stories to debate about. Once you find news articles that are useful in some way, add them to your bibliography at




11/19 T Finish watching Hot Coffee  and the study guide. At least one representative from each small group (except maybe the group that is working across different time periods) should talk to the large group about what your small groups have found out so far about lawsuits that your group might discuss during your debate and/or unfair media coverage of your controversial topic.  Listen respectfully when the other groups are talking. After each group summarizes what they've done so far, Mr. Thompson will ask if anyone has questions, or suggestions for further research--speak up if you can! Mr. Thompson will collect the Hot Coffee packets.




11/20 W A Research day! Do more reading, or watch more relevant youtube videos. Add 2 or 3 annotated sources to your bibliography at Towards the end of the class, export what you have to a Google Doc and share it with me. Easybib will still keep your entire bibliography online and will still allow you to add to it later--we'll be doing a lot of that, actually.  Again, this is just a check, so that once I get back to a computer, I can see your project and figure out how you're coming along. Hope you're doing well!




11/21 R Research Day #3. Stuck? Try thinking of a real person you could interview about your topic and write up a list of 10 open-ended or potential follow-up questions you could ask them.  Or go back to that question about Media coverage and cover it more in-depth.




11/22 F A new movie! While Mr. Thompson is getting the movie ready, grab a laptop, get logged in, and open a Google Doc. Label the document "King's Speech" and share that document with me. This movie gives us a little break from researching and debating and gives us a chance to review speech techniques from a different angle. Once you’ve got your word doc fired up, Mr. Thompson will play ~ the first 20 minutes of The King's Speech. It’s  a based-on-true-life story about the man who was the King of England during WW II. The opening of the movie portrays an extremely awkward moment at a formal speech event. I’ve never personally sat through a speech that was as awkward as the scene in the movie. Have you? Without embarrassing anyone in this class (I mean it!!) write a short paragraph about an awkward moment you witnessed in a speech at some point in your life. I can think of a bunch that I saw at this school. Last year, one of our formal speakers forgot who he was talking to and accidentally suggested to the entire student body that life was better in Greenville before we had divorces and “mixed marriages.” Remember that? Ouch! He remained calm and kept connecting to the audience, though.  His pacing, volume, adn rate were excellent.  In your paragraph, describe an awkward moment you’ve witnessed, and discuss the audience reaction as well as what you can remember of the speaker’s speaking ability when it comes to varying emphasis, volume, rate, tone, and pausing. If you have time and it’s appropriate to do so, discuss your paragraphs.

CP English 10 Per 2,7, Room 239 

 11-04 Monday: Students will re-read an excerpt from Oedipus Rex, working in small groups to identify instances when various dramatic terms can be applied to specific passages.

11-05 Tuesday: Unit Test on Oedipus Rex

11-06 Wednesday: Keystone Review: How Green is My City

11-07 Thursday: Keystone essay review: How Green is My City

11-08  Friday: Act 80 Day—No School for Students!


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 11-04 Monday: Unit Test on Hosseini’s The Kite Runner

Homework: Begin reading your independent reading novel

 11-05 Tuesday: Intro to Hamilton unit

11-06 Wednesday: Intro to Renaissance literature—Machiavelli Excerpt

11-07 Thursday: Intro to Inferno project

11-08  Friday: Act 80 Day—No School for Students!


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

11-04 Monday: Business Project –work day & student interviews; projects due by the end of the period, even if a student is absent. Projects completed Tuesday 11/05 can’t earn higher than a 70%. Projects completed Wednesday 11/06 can’t earn higher than a 60%. Get them done on time!

11-05 Tuesday: Interview questioning techniques & Small Group Interviews

11-06 WednesdayKeystone review

 11-07 Thursday: Keystone Test--Tuition

11-08  Friday: Act 80 Day—No School for Students!


Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

11-04 Monday: Large Group lecture and discussion—Research Techniques—Search Terms

11-05 Tuesday: Large Group lecture and discussion—Research Techniques—Google Scholar

11-06 Wednesday: Large Group lecture and discussion—Research Techniques—Think Tanks

11-07 Thursday: Large Group lecture and discussion—Research Techniques—Current Legislation

11-08  Friday: Act 80 Day—No School for Students!

.Week Eight: September 30-Oct. 04

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239 

 10-07 Monday: Dramatic Terms review activity

10-08 Tuesday: Students will read an excerpt from Oedipus Rex, answering questions as they read.

10-09 Wednesday:  Chorus Activity

10-10 Thursday: Students will read an excerpt from Oedipus Rex, answering questions as they read.

10-11  Friday: Students will read an excerpt from Oedipus Rex, answering questions as they read.




Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 10-07 Monday: Students will read the introduction to Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, answering questions on a worksheet as they read. (Students will discuss chapters 9-11 of The Kite Runner tomorrow!)

Homework: read through chapter 12 for Wednesday, 15 for Friday

10-08 Tuesday: Students will discuss chapters 9-11 of The Kite Runner

10-09 Wednesday: Notes on Greek Theater & the Greek Chorus. There will be a quiz on the introductory material for Greek Dramaon Monday

10-10 Thursday: Notes on Greek Theater. Choral activity.

10-11 Friday: Discussion of chapters 12-15 of The Kite Runner

Homework: read chapters 16-17


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

10-07 Monday: Shark Tank activity

10-08 Tuesday: Introduction to the Business unit –notes and class discussion

10-09 WednesdayIntroduction to the Business unit –notes and class discussion

10-10 Thursday: Introduction to the Business unit –work day—slides 1-3 due

10-11 Friday: ­Quiz on business terms. Shark Tank activity.




Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

 10-07 Monday: Review and extension—Interview techniques

10-08 Tuesday: Notes and class discussion of “The Toulmin Model”

10-09 Wednesday: Notes and class discussion of “The Toulmin Model”—IQSquared and Amendment debate

10-10 Thursday: Notes and class discussion of “The Toulmin Model”


10-11 Friday: SPAR Debate #3


Week Seven: September 30-Oct. 04

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239 

 09-30 Monday: Notes on Tragic heroes; acting lessons from Samuel Jackson as time allows

10-01 Tuesday: Students will read an excerpt from Oedipus Rex, answering questions as they read.

10-02 Wednesday:  Chorus Activity

10-03 Thursday: Students will read an excerpt from Oedipus Rex, answering questions as they read.

10-04  Friday: Dramatic Terms activity




Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 09-30 Monday: Students will discuss chapters 5-7 of The Kite Runner

Homework: read through chapter 10 for Monday

10-01 Tuesday: Dramatic terms pre-test and quizlet

10-02 Wednesday Students will read the introduction to Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, answering questions on a worksheet as they read.

10-03 Thursday: Notes on Greek Theater

10-04 Friday: Discussion of chapters 8-10 of The Kite Runner

Homework: read chapters 9-11


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

09-30 Monday: Newspaper Activity & Notes

10-01 Tuesday: Introduction to the Business unit –notes and class discussion

10-02 WednesdayIntroduction to the Business unit –notes and class discussion

10-03 Thursday: Introduction to the Business project –notes on research techniques

10-04 Friday: ­Quiz on business terms. Shark Tank activity.




Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239

 09-30 Monday: Review and extension—Extemporaneous speaking

10-01 Tuesday: Notes and class discussion of “The Toulmin Model”

10-02 Wednesday: Notes and class discussion of “The Toulmin Model”—IQSquared and Amendment debate

10-03 Thursday: SPAR debate #3

10-04 Friday: practicing Dec or OI or Extemp or Congress or Journalism projects


Week Five: September 16-20


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239 


 09-16 Monday: Students will read excerpts from The Epic of Gilgamesh in the Holt World Literature textbook—p. 23-26—while answering questions 1-11 from the packet.


09-17 Tuesday: Students will read excerpts from The Epic of Gilgamesh in the Holt World Literature textbook—p. 27-29—while answering questions 12-20 from the packet.


09-18 Wednesday:  Students will read excerpts from The Epic of Gilgamesh in the Holt World Literature textbook—p. 30-the end—while answering the remaining questions from the packet.


09-19 Thursday: Students will read the Biblical flood story –p. 60-65--and answer questions 1-7 & “comparing and contrasting accounts of the flood” from p. 66.


09-20  Friday: Notes and class discussion on Homer & The Odyssey






Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239


 09-16 Monday: Students will discuss the ending of The Epic of Gilgamesh


Homework: Students will read the Biblical flood story –p. 60-65 in the Holt textbook--and answer questions 1-7 & “comparing and contrasting accounts of the flood” from p. 66.


09-17 Tuesday: Flood Project


Homework: Reading the Biblical Creation account—p. 53-56, & answering questions 1-7 on p. 57


09-18 Wednesday Notes & class discussion -- Kite Runner


09-19 Thursday: Notes & class discussion -- Kite Runner


Homework: read Chapters 1-3 of The Kite Runner


09-20 Friday: Discussion of chapters 1-3 of The Kite Runner


Homework: read chapters 4




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


09-16 Monday: Notes on Beowulf


09-17 Tuesday: Notes on Beowulf & “The Seafarer” & Kennings


Homework: Students should complete the worksheet if it isn’t completed in class


09-18 Wednesday: Notes on Beowulf


09-19 Thursday: ­ Notes on Beowulf


09-20 Friday: Reading Beowulf in class and answering packet questions 1-15








Class: Argument  & Performance


  Per 4 & 8, Room 239




 09-16 Monday: StudentPresentations-- 2nd Amendment debate; OI/Dec initial performances—small group work


09-17 Tuesday: StudentPresentations-- 2nd Amendment debate; OI/Dec initial performances—small group work


09-17 Wednesday: Analysis of“Learning From Dirty Jobs” by Mike Rowe; practicing Dec or OI projects


09-19 Thursday: Practicing “Extemp”; SPAR debate--


09-20 Friday: practicing Dec or OI projects



Week Four: September 09-13

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239 

 09-09 Monday: Keystone Essay Review. Lecture, large group discussion, and individual conferences on student responses to “The Palace of the Eagles.”

Homework: essay revisions due tomorrow.

09-10 Tuesday: Hammurabi’s Code notes and activity

09-11 Wednesday:  Hammurabi’s code project

Homework: complete the project at home if necessary

09-12 Thursday: Gilgamesh Film parts 1 & 2

09-13  Friday: Reading the beginning of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Answering packet questions 1-15.


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 09-09 Monday: Worksheet on the introduction to The Epic of Gilgamesh.Keystone Essay Review. Lecture, large group discussion, and individual conferences on student responses to “The Palace of the Eagles.”

Homework: essay revisions due tomorrow.
09-10 Tuesday:
Yuval Harari reading passage

Homework: Read p. 61-85 in The Epic of Gilgamesh

09-11 Wednesday The discussion questions for The Epic of Gilgamesh

Homework: Read p. 86-108 in The Epic of Gilgamesh

09-12 Thursday: Comparison of 2 translations of The Epic of Gilgamesh; discussion of p. 86-108

Homework: Read 109-119

09-13 Friday: Discussion of the remainder of the Epic of Gilgamesh.


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

09-09 Monday: Quiz on Sherlock Holmes story – “The Final Problem.”

09-10 Tuesday: Notes on Beowulf & “The Seafarer” & Kennings

Homework: Students should complete the worksheet if it isn’t completed in class

09-11 Wednesday: Origin Myth assignment—read the 1 page Celtic Origin Myth and the 1-page Norse Origin Myth and complete the questions in the accompanying worksheet.

09-12 Thursday: Notes on Beowulf

09-13 Friday: Reading Beowulf in class and answering packet questions 1-15




Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


 09-09 Monday: Research on 2nd Amendment debate; OI/Dec initial performances—small group work

09-09 Tuesday: Discussion of 1 more competition type: Extemp

09-10 Wednesday: Analysis of“Learning From Dirty Jobs” by Mike Rowe; practicing Dec or OI projects

09-12 Thursday: Practicing “Extemp”; SPAR debate--

09-13 Friday: practicing Dec or OI projects


Week Three: September 02-06

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239 

 09-02 Monday: No School

09-03 Tuesday: Reading “Wooden People” on p. 311-312; answering questions 1 & 2 on p. 313. Students will finish taking notes on Origin Myths, and complete a brief project on the criteria from the notes.

Homework: Finish the Origin Myth project if it isn’t completed in class.

09-04 Wednesday:  OM project due. Students will review the answers to the multiple choice questions from “The Palace of the Eagles.” There will be a lecture & class discussion of the Keystone Exam –scoring and question types

09-05 Thursday: Individual project on 2 types of Keystone MCQs—creating 4 types of vocabulary questions.

Homework: Use one of the Origin Myth passages to generate 2 multiple choice questions based on “literary techniques.”

09-06  Friday: Project about grading theKeystone Essay.


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 09-02 Monday: No School
09-03 Tuesday:
Hamarabi’s Code Notes and project

Homework: complete the project if it isn’t completed in class.

09-04 Wednesday: Gilgamesh Film Day 1—in class worksheet

Homework: Read p. 7-16 of the introduction to Sander’s Translation of The Epic of Gilgamesh

09-05 Thursday: Gilgamesh Film Day 2—in class worksheet. Quiz on p. 7-16

09-06 Friday: Keystone Essay project and individual conferences.

Homework: re-write essay if necessary


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

09-02 Monday: No School

09-03 Tuesday: Vocabulary for the second half of “The Final Problem” packet. Students will write and share original sentences for the new vocabulary terms.

Homework: Students should complete any terms they didn’t get to in class.

09-04 Wednesday: Reading “The Final Problem” by Arthur Conan Doyle in class. We’ll read p. 8-14 in the “Final Problem” packet and answer questions 23-49 in the study guide.

09-05 Thursday: Quiz on Sherlock Holmes & “The Final Problem.”

09-06 Friday: Celtic and Norse Origin Myths activity/worksheet—due by the end of the period




Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


 09-02 Monday: No School

09-02 Tuesday: Notes on Ethos, Logos, Pathos, and Kairos. Analysis of Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture”

Homework: Find a speech or story to develop

09-03 Wednesday:Analysis of MLK’s “What is Your Life’s Blueprint?”; Reagan’s “Berlin Speech.”

09-05 Thursday: Analysis of“Learning From Dirty Jobs” by Mike Rowe; “March For Our Lives” by Emma Gonzalez.

09-06 Friday: SPAR debate in teams: Best Girl Scout Cookie; Best pizza toppings.


Week Two: August 26-37

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239 

 08-26 Monday: Practice Keystone Passage: “Palace of the Eagles.” In-class diagnostic test.

08-26 Tuesday: Scoring the Keystone Exam—Presentation & Notes. After taking notes and discussing question types they will encounter on the Keystone exam, students will read an origin myth (“Wooden People,” p. 312-313 in our main textbook.) Students will discuss the story and then write 3 Keystone-style vocabulary questions using the passage they have just read.

Homework: return the signed syllabus.

08-28 Wednesday:  Students will read Ovid’s “Metamorphosis,” p. 305-312, answer questions 1,2, 5 from p. 320, and use the content of the passage to generate 3 Keystone-style multiple-choice questions using literary terms.

08-29 Thursday: Reading in class: “The End of All Things” on p. 317-319of the Holt Textbook. Questions 3,4, 6-9 on p. 320.

08-30  Friday: Writing workshop

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 08-26 Monday: Review of Homework—p. 320, 1-5; origin myth homework/chart. Discussion of myths from the “Big Myth” website.

Homework: Signed Syllabus is due.

08-27 Tuesday:
Practice Keystone Passage: “Palace of the Eagles.” In-class diagnostic.

08-28 Wednesday: Scoring the Keystone Exam—Presentation & Notes. After taking notes and discussing question types they will encounter on the Keystone exam, students will read an origin myth (“Wooden People,” p. 312-313 in our main textbook.) Students will discuss the story and then write 3 Keystone-style vocabulary questions using the passage they have just read.

08-29 Thursday: Ted Talk activity—prehistoric man; Read sections 1-3 from the introduction to Sandar’s translation of The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Homework: quiz tomorrow on the reading passage.

 08-30 Friday: Gilgamesh (Film) (notes in worksheet form) Homework: Read Chapters 1-3 in Gilgamesh (--p. 96.)




Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

08-26 Monday: Sherlock—video and character sketch, which is a worksheet and is due Tuesday if it isn’t completed in class.

08-27 Tuesday: Reading “The Final Problem” by Arthur Conan Doyle in class. We’ll read p. 3-8 in the “Final Problem” packet and answer questions 1-22 in the study guide.

Homework: Students should write original sentences for the 19 terms starred in the second half of their study guides.

08-28 WednesdayReview of the vocabulary homework. Reading “The Final Problem” in class. We’ll read p. 9-14 and answer questions 23-49 in the study guide.

08-29 Thursday: Watching Sherlock. Character sketch on either Watson or Moriarity, due at the beginning of class Friday.

08-30 Friday: Celtic and Norse Origin Myths activity/worksheet—due by the end of the period.

Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 4 & 8, Room 239


 08-26 Monday: Watching examples of Oratorical Declamation from Prior NCFL competitors.

08-26 Tuesday: Students will practice Oral Interpretation using a story by John Scieszka.

08-27 Wednesday: Students will research pieces to interpret or speeches to declame.

08-29 Thursday: Students will practice and deliver speeches. 

08-30 Friday: Chain debate: Best Girl Scout Cookie; Best pizza toppings.




During the week, I update lesson plans for my classes hourly at my class website: . Online worksheets, study materials, and links to online quizzes can also be found there.



Week Thirty-eight: May 20-May 24

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

05-20: Monday: Objective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-21: TuesdayObjective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-22: Wednesday:Objective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-23: Thursday: Objective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-24: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Read chapters 1-5 in Life of Pi; complete the study guide questions

Assignment: none


Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

05-20: Monday: Objective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: Read through chapter 22 of The Kite Runner for Friday

05-21: TuesdayObjective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-22: Wednesday:Objective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-23: Thursday: Objective: Demonstration Speeches

Activity: Student Presentations

Assignment: none

05-24: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Brief quiz on chapters 16-22; Read chapter 23 in Kite Runner in class

Assignment: We’ll finish reading the book next week, obviously!


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Castaway comparison

Assignment: none

05-07: Tuesday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Introduction to Spar debates

Assignment: none

05-08: Wednesday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Spar Debates

Assignment: none

05-09: Thursday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Spar Debates

Assignment: none

05-10: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: reading Chapters 1-4 in Life of Pi; study guide questions

Assignment: none


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

05-06: Monday: Spring Break!

05-07: Tuesday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: New play: Zombie Apocalypse

Assignment: read the play

05-08: Wednesday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: New play: Zombie Apocalypse

Assignment: read the play

05-09: Thursday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: New play: Zombie Apocalypse

Assignment: read the play

05-10: Friday Objective: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: New play: Zombie Apocalypse

Assignment: read the play


Week Thirty-seven: May 13-May 17


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Literature Exam per 1-4


Assignment: none


05-07: TuesdayObjective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Literature Exam per 1-4


Assignment: none


05-08: Wednesday:Objective: Speech Analysis


Activity: Demonstration Speeches: Lecture


Assignment: none


05-09: Thursday: Objective: Speech Analysis


Activity: Demonstration Speeches—rubric; online speeches


Assignment: none


05-10: Friday Objective: Speech Analysis


Activity: Demonstration Speeches: topics


Assignment: none




Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Literature Exam per 1-4


Assignment: none


05-07: TuesdayObjective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Literature Exam per 1-4


Assignment: none


05-08: Wednesday:Objective: Speech Analysis


Activity: Discussion of Kite Runner, Ch 11-15


Assignment: Ch. 16-20 due monday


05-09: Thursday: Objective: Speech Analysis


Activity: Demonstration Speeches—lecture; rubric; online speeches


Assignment: none


05-10: Friday Objective: Speech Analysis


Activity: Demonstration Speeches: topics


Assignment: none




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Comparing Castaway to Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none


05-07: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Comparing Castaway to Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none


05-08: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Comparing Castaway to Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none


05-09: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Life of Pi introduction; packet questions; Spar debates group will discuss potential debate topics. I need 100, total.


Assignment: none


05-10: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Intro to spar debates; lecture; Life of Pi group will read chapters 1-4


Assignment: none




Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


05-06: Monday: Spring Break!


05-07: Tuesday:Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Final Run-throughs


Assignment: memorize your lines


05-08: Wednesday:Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Final Run-throughs


Assignment: memorize your lines


05-09: Thursday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Dress Rehersal


Assignment: memorize your lines


05-10: FridayObjective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Dress Rehersal


Assignment: memorize your lines



Week Thirty-six: May 06-May 09

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review: Vocabulary Terms

Assignment: none

05-07: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review “Red Badge of Courage”

Assignment: Vocabulary terms quiz make-up if necessary; essay practice if necessary

05-08: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review “Red Badge of Courage”

Assignment: Vocabulary terms quiz make-up if necessary; essay practice if necessary

05-09: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review “Maria Mitchell”

Assignment: Vocabulary terms quiz make-up if necessary; essay practice if necessary

05-10: FridayObjective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Intro to Life of Pi

Assignment: none


Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Kite Runner discussion—ch-6-7

Assignment: read chapters 8-10 for Friday; chapters 11-15 for Monday

05-07: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review“Starlings in Winter”

Assignment: Keystone Review “Tuition”

05-08: Wednesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review“Starlings in Winter,” “Tuition”

Assignment:Keystone Review: “Red Badge of Courage”

05-09: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Keystone Review—“Red Badge of Courage”

Assignment: Read ch 8-10 for tomorrow

05-10: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Discussion of Chapters 8-10; Cereal

Assignment: Read ch 11-15 for Tuesday


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

05-06: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies; completing packet questions as we progress

Assignment: study for the quiz on Wednesday

05-07: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Movie comparison-- Lord of the Flies

Assignment: study for the quiz on Wednesday

05-08: Wednesday:Objective: Summative Assessment

Activity: Lord of the Flies Test, Ch 1-12

Assignment: none!

05-09: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Film comparison: Lord of the Flies vs Castaway

Assignment: none

05-10: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Film comparison: Lord of the Flies vs Castaway

Assignment: none


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

05-06: Monday: Spring Break!

05-07: Tuesday:Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Final Run-throughs

Assignment: memorize your lines

05-08: Wednesday:Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Final Run-throughs

Assignment: memorize your lines

05-09: Thursday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Dress Rehersal

Assignment: memorize your lines

05-10: FridayObjective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: Dress Rehersal

Assignment: memorize your lines


Week Thirty-four: April 22-26


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


04-22: Monday: Spring Break!


04-23: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review


Assignment: none


04-24: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review


Assignment: none


04-25: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review


Assignment: none


04-26: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review


Assignment: none




Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


04-22: Monday: Spring Break!


04-23: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review


Assignment: none


04-24: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review


Assignment: none


04-25: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Keystone Review/Intro to Kite Runner


Assignment: Read Chapters 1-2 for homework


04-26: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Discussion of Chapters 1-2


Assignment: Read chapters 3-5 for homework




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


04-22: Monday: Spring Break!


04-23: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Reading Chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies; completing packet questions as we progress; review for the quiz Thursday


Assignment: none


04-24: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Reading Chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies; completing packet questions as we progress; review for the quiz tomorrow


Assignment: none


04-25: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Quiz on chapters 8-10


Assignment: none


04-26: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Reading Chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none




Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


04-22: Monday: Spring Break!


04-23: Tuesday:Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—blocking


Assignment: memorize your lines


04-24: Wednesday:Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: run-throughs


Assignment: memorize your lines


04-25: Thursday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—blocking


Assignment: memorize your lines


04-26: Friday Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—blocking


Assignment: memorize your lines




Week Thirty-three: April 15-19

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

04-15: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dramatic Terms in Julius Caesar—worksheet. Acts 4 & 5 of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete worksheet for homework if not completed in class.

04-16: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Acts 4 & 5 of Julius Caesar.

Assignment: none

04-17: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Movie Comparison

Assignment: none

04-18: Thursday: Spring Break!

04-19: Friday Spring Break!

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

04-15: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dramatic Terms in Julius Caesar—worksheet. Acts 4 & 5 of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete worksheet for homework if not completed in class.

04-16: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Acts 4 & 5 of Julius Caesar.

Assignment: none

04-17: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Movie Comparison

Assignment: none

04-18: Thursday: Spring Break!

04-19: Friday Spring Break!


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

04-15: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 9 of Lord of the Flies; completing packet questions as we progress; review for the quiz tomorrow

Assignment: none

04-16: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies; completing packet questions as we progress; review for the quiz tomorrow

Assignment: none

04-17: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: watching Lord of the Flies;

Assignment: none

04-18: Thursday: Spring Break!

04-19: Friday Spring Break!



Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

04-15: Monday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—props

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-16: Tuesday:Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—blocking

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-17: Wednesday:Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: run-throughs

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-18: Thursday: Spring Break!

04-19: Friday Spring Break!



Week Thirty-one: April 01-05

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

04-01: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will review Act III sc i of Julius Caesar, completing packet questions as we progress.

Assignment: read scene 2

04-02: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will review Act III sc ii of Julius Caesar, completing packet questions as we progress.

Assignment: none

04-03: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will review Act III sc ii of Julius Caesar, completing packet questions as we progress.

Assignment: complete any packet questions not completed in class

04-04: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Propaganda Project

Assignment: Project will be due Tuesday of next week

04-05: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Propaganda Project

Assignment: Project will be due Tuesday of next week

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

04-01: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will act out Act III sc i of Julius Caesar,

Assignment: complete packet questions for scene 1, read scene 2

04-02: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will review Act III sc ii of Julius Caesar, completing packet questions as we progress.

Assignment: logical fallacies quizlet

04-03: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will review Act III sc ii of Julius Caesar, completing packet questions as we progress.

Assignment: logical fallacies quizlet

04-04: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Review of logical fallacies

Assignment: write real-world examples of 5 logical fallacies

04-05: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Propaganda Project

Assignment: Project will be due Tuesday of next week



Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

04-01: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 5 of Lord of the Flies; completing packet questions as we progress

Assignment: none

04-02: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 5 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none

04-03: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 6 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none

04-04: Thursday Objective: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 6 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none

04-05: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

04-01: Monday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—props

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-02: Tuesday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—costumes

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-03: Wednesday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—blocking

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-04: Thursday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: blocking

Assignment: memorize your lines

04-05: Friday: Objective: Theater Activities

Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: improv activities

Assignment: memorize your lines






Week Thirty: March 25-29


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


03-18: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Students will review Act II of Julius Caesar


Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz—it will cover character identification, literary technique questions, and plot-level questions, as well as quotations covered in the packet.


03-19: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Quiz on Acts I & II


Assignment: none


03-20: Wednesday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition


Activity: Students will complete a Quizlet and a quiz on the new terms.


Assignment: study the vocabulary words to prepare for the next quiz.


03-21: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Students will read Act III, sc I in class.


Assignment: complete any packet questions not completed in class


03-22: Friday Objective: Assessment


Activity: Students will watch 2 versions of Act III, sc i of Julius Caesar


          Assignment: complete any quotation questions not completed in class.


Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


03-18: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Students will review Act II of Julius Caesar


Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz—it will cover character identification, literary technique questions, and plot-level questions, as well as quotations covered in the packet.


03-19: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Quiz on Acts I & II


Assignment: none


03-20: Wednesday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition


Activity: Students will complete a Quizlet and a quiz on the new terms.


Assignment: study the vocabulary words to prepare for the next quiz.


03-21: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Students will read Act III, sc I in class.


Assignment: complete any packet questions not completed in class


03-22: Friday Objective: Assessment


Activity: Students will watch 2 versions of Act III, sc i of Julius Caesar


          Assignment: complete any quotation questions not completed in class.


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


03-18: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Reading Chapter 5 of Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none


03-19: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Review of Chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none


03-20: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Quiz on chapters 1-4: vocabulary questions, plot-level questions, literary technique questions, and plot-level questions will be included on the quiz.


Assignment: none


03-21: Thursday Objective: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition


Activity: Quizlet on vocabulary for chapters 5-8 of Lord of the Flies


Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz


03-22: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Reading Chapter 5 of Lord of the Flies


Assignment: none




Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


03-18: Monday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—voice


Assignment: memorize your lines


03-19: Tuesday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—physical presence


Assignment: memorize your lines


03-20: Wednesday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: character creation—read-throughs


Assignment: memorize your lines


03-21: Thursday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: memorizing lines


Assignment: memorize your lines


03-22: Friday: Objective: Theater Activities


Activity: Students are preparing scripts in small groups. Today’s focus: improve activities


Assignment: memorize your lines









Week Twenty-eight: March 11-15

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

03-11: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act I sc iii of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

03-12: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act II sc i of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

03-13: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act II sc ii of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

03-14: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will compare two versions of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete written paragraph if not completed in class

03-15: Friday Objective: Assessment

Activity: Students will read Act II sc iii--iv of Julius Caesar

          Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

03-11: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Quiz on Julius Caesar

          Assignment: none

03-12: Tuesday: Objective : Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act I, sc i of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

                             Assignment: Read Act I, sc ii

03-13: Wednesday: Objective : Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act I, sc ii of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

                             Assignment: Read Act I, sc ii­­­­

03-14: Thursday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Comparing 2 versions of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

                             Assignment: none

03-15: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Comparing 2 versions of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

          Assignment: complete written paragraph if necessary


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

03-11: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes and introductory activity

Assignment: none

03-12: Tuesday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Reading Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none

03-13: Wednesday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Reading Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none

03-14: Thursday Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Reading Chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none

03-15: Friday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Reading Chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies; answering study guide questions as we progress

Assignment: none


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

03-11: Monday: Objective: Assessment

Activity: Filmed Debate: Adding a Required Life Skills Class

Assignment: write more questions!

03-12: Tuesday: Objective: Assessment

Activity: Filmed Debate: Adding a Required Life Skills Class

Assignment: write more questions!

03-13: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Filmed Debate: Adding a Required Life Skills Class

Assignment: choose a script

03-14: Thursday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: “Guest Speaker”: Helen Mirren

Assignment: choose a script

03-15: Friday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: read throughs

Assignment: none





Week Twenty-seven: March 04-08

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

03-04: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act I sc i-ii of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

03-05: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act I sc i-ii of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

03-06: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act I sc iii of Julius Caesar

Assignment: complete any study guide questions not completed in class.

03-07: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Students will read Act I sc iii of Julius Caesar

Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

03-08: Friday Objective: Assessment

Activity: Quiz on Act I of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

          Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

03-04: Monday: Objective:Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on Shakespeare’s Language & use of literary techniques

          Assignment: worksheet; quiz on Friday

03-05: Tuesday: Objective:Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Quizlet quizzes on Elizabethan terms and new vocabulary for Act I of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

                             Assignment: Sentences worksheet. Quiz on Friday

03-06: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on Shakespeare’s theater & Shakespeare’s life & times

                             Assignment: quiz on Friday

03-07: Thursday Objective:Literary Analysis

Activity: John Green’s guest lecture on Julius Caesar & Rome

                             Assignment: quiz tomorrow; reading Julius Caesar on Monday

03-08: Friday: Objective:Assessment

Activity: Quiz on the historical backgrounds of Shakespeare & Julius Caesar & Rome

          Assignment: none

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

03-04: Monday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Quizlet for chapters 1-4 of Lord of the Flies—part 1. 21 sentences due tomorrow.

Assignment: finish writing sentences with the new vocabulary terms.

03-05: Tuesday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Quizlet for chapters 1-4 of Lord of the Flies—part 2. 24 sentences due tomorrow.

Assignment: finish writing sentences with the new vocabulary terms.

03-06: Wednesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Introduction to Lord of the Flies -- notes & a group activity

Assignment: none

03-07: Thursday Objective: Assessment

Activity: Reading chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies.


03-08: Friday: Objective: Assessment

Activity: Reading chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies.



Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

03-04: Monday: Objective: Questioning Techniques

Activity: Groups will discuss what the opposition is likely to say and will work together to write and assign friendly and opposition questions.

Assignment: Filming begins Wednesday

03-05: Tuesday: Objective: Questioning Techniques

Activity: Groups will discuss what the opposition is likely to say and will work together to write and assign friendly and opposition questions.

Assignment: Filming begins tomorrow

03-06: Wednesday: Objective: Debate

Activity: Student-run debate: “High schools properly empower students to control their futures.””

Assignment: Filming begins today

03-07: Thursday:Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Student speeches: “High schools properly empower students to control their futures.”

Assignment: filmed debate continues tomorrow

03-08: Friday:Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Filmed debate project

Assignment: none




Week Twenty-six: Feb. 25-March 1

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

02-25: Monday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Students should read through the new terms on the quizlet on my website, test to an A+, show the teacher the A+, and then write original sentences that incorporate the new terms. All of the terms should be used—it doesn’t matter how many sentences are written.

     Assignment: none

02-26: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on literary techniques—Puns, Similes, Metaphors, etc. Worksheet on Shakespeare’s language and literary techniques


02-27: Wednesday: Objective: Assessment

Activity: Quiz on introductory materials

          Assignment: none

02-28: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act I of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

          Assignment: packet questions from Act I

03-01: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act I of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

          Assignment: packet questions for Act 1

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

02-25: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Creative Writing Project

          Assignment: Follow the reading guide handed out last Friday

02-26: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

                             Assignment: Follow the reading guide handed out last Friday

02-27: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

                             Assignment: none

02-28: Thursday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Introduction to Julius Caesar

                             Assignment: none

03-01: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Introduction to Julius Caesar

          Assignment: Julius Caesar assignment #1

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

02-25: Monday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Quizlet activity. Students should read through the new terms on the quizlet on my website, test to an A+, show the teacher the A+, and then write original sentences that incorporate 8 of the new terms—any 8 terms will do.

Assignment: complete sentences if they aren’t done by the end of class.

02-26: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act 5, sc 2

          Assignment: study guide questions for Act 5

02-27: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Review of Act 5 of Hamlet

Assignment: study for a quiz on acts 4 & 5

02-28: Thursday Objective: Assessment

Activity: Quiz on Acts 4 & 5 of Hamlet.    

Assignment: none

03-01: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Movie project       

Assignment: none


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

02-25: Monday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Groups will take turn delivering and commenting on their member’s speeches

          Assignment: 2nd draft due Wednesday; questions due Thursday

02-26: Tuesday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Groups will take turn delivering and commenting on their member’s speeches

          Assignment: 2nd draft due Wednesday; questions due Thursday

02-27: Wednesday: Objective: Questioning Techniques

Activity: Groups will discuss what the opposition is likely to say and will work together to write and assign friendly and opposition questions.

Assignment: Write a speech &/or questions

02-28: Thursday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Speech delivery

Assignment: filmed debate begins tomorrow

03-01: Friday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Filmed debate project

Assignment: none





Week Twenty-five: Feb. 18-Feb. 22

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239s

02-18: Monday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Sample Keystone Essay #1—Kennedy Speech

     Assignment: none

02-19: Tuesday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Sample Keystone Essay #2—“To Build a Fire”

     Assignment: none

02-20: Wednesday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Sample Keystone Exam—discussion of question

types—large group discussion of types and answers “The Red Badge of Courage”

          Assignment: none

02-21: Thursday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Sample Keystone Exam—discussion of question

types—large group discussion of types and answers “The Red Badge of Courage”

          Assignment: none

02-22: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: Lecture and Group Discussion on Allusions

          Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

02-18: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Follow the reading guide handed out Friday

02-19: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

                             Assignment: Follow the reading guide handed out Friday 02-20: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

                             Assignment: Follow the reading guide handed out Friday 02-21: Thursday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

                             Assignment: Follow the reading guide handed out Friday

02-22: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Presentations on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Julius Caesar assignment #1

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

02-18: Monday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Review of Act 4  

          Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

02-19: Tuesday: Objective: Summative Assessment;vocabulary acquisition

Activity: Quiz on Act 4; quizlet vocabulary for Act 5

          Assignment: study guide questions for Act 4

02-20: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity Activity: Act 5 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion       

Assignment: study guide questions for Act 5

02-21: Thursday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 5 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion        

Assignment: study guide questions for Act 5

02-22: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 5 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion        

Assignment: study guide questions for Act 5


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

02-18: Monday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Discussion of Research sub-topics and questioning techniques; debate roles; class bibliography

          Assignment: read your chosen script.

02-19: Tuesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Formal Debate roles and Research Assignments

Assignment: Research

02-20: Wednesday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Speech Review

Assignment: Write a speech &/or questions

02-21: Thursday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Speech Review

Assignment: Write a speech &/or questions

02-22: Friday: Objective: Speech Techniques

Activity: Watching and analyzing 2 speeches

Assignment: Research


Week Twenty-four: Feb. 11-Feb. 15

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239s

02-11: Monday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Writing Multiple Choice Question #3—“Close Reading”

     Assignment: none

02-12: Tuesday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Writing Multiple Choice Questions #4—“Close Reading”

     Assignment: none

02-13: Wednesday: Activity: Sample Keystone Exam—discussion of question

types—large group discussion of types and answers “Taming the Bicycle”

          Assignment: none

02-14: Thursday: Objective: Test Taking Strategies

Activity: Writing Multiple Choice Questions #5—“Impact”

     Assignment: none

02-15: Friday Activity: Sample Keystone Exam—discussion of question

types—large group discussion of types and answers Kennedy’s Speech

          Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

02-11: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Project on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Project is due Wednesday

02-12: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Project on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Project is due Wednesday

02-13: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Project on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Project is due today; Read p. 40-84

02-14: Thursday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Project on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Project is due today; Read p. 85-120

02-15: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Student Project on Dante’s Inferno—the project is described thoroughly on my website:

          Assignment: Project is due today; Read p. 121-158

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

02-11: Monday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Beginning Act 4 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion.  

          Assignment: study guide questions for Act 4

02-12: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 4 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion; notes on “Humors” & Renaissance-Era medical concepts.

          Assignment: study guide questions for Act 4

02-13: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity Activity: Act 4 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion       

Assignment: study guide questions for Act 4

02-14: Thursday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 4 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion        

Assignment: study guide questions for Act 4

02-15: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 4 of Hamlet— reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion        

Assignment: study guide questions for Act 4


Class: Argument & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

02-11: Monday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: IQ squared Educational Debate; Discussion of debate structure

          Assignment: read your chosen script.

02-12: Tuesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Formal Debate roles and Research Assignments

Assignment: Research

02-13: Wednesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Formal Debate roles and Research Assignments

Assignment: Research

02-14: Thursday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Speech Review

Assignment: Write a speech &/or questions

02-15: Friday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Speech Review

Assignment: Write a speech &/or questions




Week Twenty-three: Feb. 04-Feb. 08


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


02-04: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Dante’s Inferno student presentations


     Assignment: none


02-05: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Dante’s Inferno student presentations


Assignment: none


02-06: Wednesday: Activity: Sample Keystone Exam—discussion of question


types—notes and large group discussion


          Assignment: none


02-07: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Sample Keystone Essay


Assignment: none


02-08: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Writing Keystone Questions


Assignment: none


Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


02-04: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Large group discussion. Notes on Literature of the Renaissance and Dante’s Inferno.


          Assignment: study for Tuesday’s quiz


02-05: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Quiz on Dante, Dante’s Inferno, andthe Literature of the Renaissance.


          Assignment: none


02-06: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Notes on Questions Types on the Keystone exam.


          Assignment: none


02-07: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Newspaper assignment (Review of the last newspaper assignment.)


     Assignment: none


02-08: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Independent Novels part 2: lecture and book selection.


          Assignment:Read chapters 1-4 of your novel.


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


02-04: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Covering the remainder of act 3 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in a large group discussion.   10 points.


          Assignment: study guide questions for Act 3


02-05: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Act 3 of Hamlet—review of the entire act—study guide questions/watching and analyzing the movie version


          Assignment: brief quiz on Act 3 tomorrow


02-06: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Quiz on Act 3 of Hamlet


          Assignment: none




02-07: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Act 4 of Hamlet—vocabulary exercise


     Assignment: none


02-08: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Act 4 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in the large group discussion.   10 points.


   Assignment: none




Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


02-04: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Guest lectures—Samuel Jackson & Helen Mirren. Choosing a script


          Assignment: read your chosen script.


02-05: Tuesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate


Activity: Watching a short film by Thomas Friedman


Assignment: read and memorize your part within your chosen script.


02-06: Wednesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate


Activity: Articles about Common Core


Assignment: read and memorize your part within your chosen script.


02-07: Thursday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate


Activity: Articles about Common Core


Assignment: read and memorize your part within your chosen script.


02-08: Friday:Objective: Research, analysis and debate


     Activity: Addiction issues


     Assignment: Write a bill that has something to do with education


     or students.







Week Twenty-two: Jan 28-Feb. 01

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

01-28: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno presentation project—large group discussion and in-class work time. Presentations are due at the end of the period Tuesday.

          Assignment: none

01-29: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno presentation project—large group discussion and in-class work time. Presentations are due at the end of the period Today.

          Assignment: none

01-30: Wednesday: Activity: Dante’s Inferno presentation project—student presentations.

          Assignment: none

01-31: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on Shakespeare’s Life and Language

Assignment: none

02-01: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on Shakespeare’s Theater

Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

01-28: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Review of 2 assignments—ballads and The Prince. Large group discussion. Notes on Literature of the Renaissance and Dante’s Inferno.

          Assignment: study for Wednesday’s quiz

01-29: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on the structure of Dante’s Inferno, and the structure of Hell within Dante’s Inferno.

          Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

01-30: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Quiz on Dante, Dante’s Inferno, andthe Literature of the Renaissance.

          Assignment: none

01-31: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Newspaper assignment (Review of the last newspaper assignment.)

     Assignment: none

02-01: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Independent Novels part 2: lecture and book selection.

          Assignment:Read chapters 1-4 of your novel.

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

01-28: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Make-up test: Act 2 of Hamlet;Brief notes on puns; Watching the movie version of Hamlet—1:05-1:23

          Assignment: none

01-29: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 3 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in the large group discussion.   10 points.

          Assignment: brief quiz on Act 2 tomorrow

01-30: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity Act 3 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in the large group discussion.   10 points.

          Assignment: none


01-31: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: Act 3 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in the large group discussion.   10 points.

     Assignment: none

02-01: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Act 3 of Hamlet—reading in class, answering study guide questions in the large group discussion.   10 points.

   Assignment: none


Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

01-28: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Guest lectures—Samuel Jackson & Helen Mirren. Choosing a script

          Assignment: read your chosen script.

01-29: Tuesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Articles about Income Inequality

Assignment: read and memorize your part within your chosen script.

01-30: Wednesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Articles about AI

Assignment: read and memorize your part within your chosen script.

01-31: Thursday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Articles about Education

Assignment: read and memorize your part within your chosen script.

02-01: Friday:Objective: Research, analysis and debate

     Activity: Addiction issues

     Assignment: Write a bill that has something to do with education

     or students.




Week Twenty-one: Jan 21-25

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

01-21: Monday: Objective: MLK Jr. Day

Activity: No School for Students

          Assignment: none

01-22: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno presentation project—large group discussion and in-class work time. Packets are due at the beginning of the period.

          Assignment: none

01-23: Wednesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Inferno presentation project—work day

Assignment: none

01-24: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno project –student presentations

Assignment: none

01-25: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno project –student presentations

Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

01-21: Monday: Objective: MLK Jr. Day

Activity: No School for Students

          Assignment: none

01-22: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: discussion of students’ independent novels; journal response #5 due by the beginning of the period.

          Assignment: none.

01-23: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Discussion of Medieval Literature. Introduction to Literature of the Renaissance. Notes and large group discussion: ballads vs. sonnets

          Assignment: a poetry explication

01-24: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: reading Machiavelli’s The Prince & answering worksheet questions.

     Assignment: none

01-25: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Introduction to Dante & The Inferno.

          Assignment:Read p.656-658; answer the 5 questions in the margins. Quiz Monday on the introductory information on Dante and the Divine Comedy & the structure of Hell as described in the Inferno.

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

01-21: Monday: Objective: MLK Jr. Day

Activity: No School for Students

          Assignment: none

01-22: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Review of Act 2—answering packet questions for Act 2, watching the movie.

          Assignment: brief quiz on Act 2 tomorrow

01-23: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: 10 Questino quiz on act 2 of Hamlet. Reading Act 3 of Hamlet; answering packet questions.

          Assignment: none


01-24: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: Reading act 3 of Hamlet & completing packet


     Assignment: none

01-25: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Hamlet Act 3 & completing packet


     Assignment: none


Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

01-21: Monday: Objective: MLK Jr. Day

Activity: No School for Students

          Assignment: none

01-22: Tuesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: In-class discussion: Student Congress Bill—Common Core

          Assignment: write an affirmation or a negation to our Common Core bill

01-23: Wednesday:Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: Discussion of the Common Core bill,

          Assignment: write an affirmation or a negation of one other bill.

01-24: Thursday:Objective: Critical Thinking

     Activity: Preparations for the Home Meet of the Debate Club

     Assignment: none.

01-25: Friday:Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises

     Assignment: none.




Week Twenty: Jan 14-18

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

01-14: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Inferno Web Project & packet

         Assignment: none

01-15: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Sinners and Sins quizlet; Inferno Web Project & packet

         Assignment: study for a quiz on Dante’s Inferno—bio. Info       about Dante, sinners & punishments, structure of the Divine


01-16: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Quiz on Dante’s Inferno; Inferno Web Project & packet

         Assignment: packet due Friday

01-17: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Inferno Web Project & packet

         Assignment: packet due Friday

01-18: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Inferno Web Project & packet—due today­­­

         Assignment: none


Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

01-14: Monday: Objective: Writing workshop

Activity: Review of “Gifted” essay and the RAGES writing rubric.

Assignment: finish reading the novel you’ve been working on for your independent reading project. The next Journal is due a week from Tuesday.

01-15: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Analysis of the code of Chivalry and the rules of Courtly Love—Robin Hood, The Sword in the Stone, & First Knight

         Assignment: journal assignment due in one week.

01-16: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Notes on the Renaissance

         Assignment: read The Prince and answer worksheet questions

01-17: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Discussion of The Prince. Notes on Dante’s Inferno

     Assignment: finish reading the novel you’ve been working on for your independent reading project

01-18: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading p 645-647; 649-652. Answering questions in the margins.

Assignment: Independent reading

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

01-14: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Lecture on Allusions; Reading Act 2 of Hamlet answering study guide questions


01-15: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Lecture on Puns; Reading Act 2 of Hamlet answering study guide questions

         Assignment: none

01-16: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act 3 of Hamlet; answering study guide questions

         Assignment: none


01-17: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Act 3 of Hamlet; answering study guide questions,

         Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

01-18: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Quiz on acts 2 & 3 of Hamlet—characters, plot, quotations.

     Assignment: none


Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

01-14: Monday: Objective: Research techniques

Activity: Watching Fed Up, answering discussion questions

Assignment: read one of the 2 articles listed online. Topic—school lunches;

01-15: Tuesday: Objective: Research techniques

Activity: Watching Fed Up, answering discussion questions

Assignment: read one of the 2 articles listed online. Topic— wealth and poverty in America.write a bill for next Tuesday that would improve life as you know it.

01-16: Wednesday: Objective: Research techniques

Activity: Watching Backpack Full of Cash, answering discussion questions

Assignment: read one of the 2 articles listed online. Topic—standardized testing; write a bill for next Tuesday that would improve life as you know it.

01-17: Thursday: Objective: Research techniques

Activity: Watching Backpack Full of Cash, answering discussion questions

Assignment: read one of the 2 articles listed online. Topic—Public vs Private schools; write a bill for next Tuesday that would improve life as you know it.

01-18: Friday:Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises & Guest lecture from Helen Mirren

     Assignment: write a bill for next Tuesday that would improve life as you know it.





Week Nineteen: Jan 07-11

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

01-07: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Introduction to Dante’s Inferno—notes and discussion

          Assignment: none

01-08: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Read p. 645, 646-647, 649-652 in the Holt Literature book. Answer 5 questions in the margins.

          Assignment: none

01-09: Wednesday:Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno project and packet

Assignment: none

01-10: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno project and packet

Assignment: none

01-11: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Dante’s Inferno project and packet

Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

01-07: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Review of O Brother project, Allusions projects; Journal Assignment

          Assignment: Read “The Grail,” p. 623, 625-632 in the Holt World Literature textbook. Answer questions 1-11 on p. 633; Journals due Wednesday

01-08: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Medieval Literature –Lecture and discussion

          Assignment: Read “How Seigfried was Slain,” p. 635, 637-643.

          Answer questions 1-9 on p. 644; journals due Wednesday

01-09: Wednesday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Read “Robin Hood,” complete the worksheet in small groups.

          Assignment: none


01-10: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: Literature Circles

     Assignment: none

01-11: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Renaissance Literature—Lecture and discussion

          Assignment: Read “The Prince” by Machiavelli, complete questions on the worksheet

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

01-07: Monday: Objective: Quiz Review

Activity: Act 1 review activities

          Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

01-08: Tuesday: Objective: Assessment

Activity: Quiz on Act I

          Assignment: none

01-09: Wednesday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

Activity: Quizlet on vocabulary for Hamlet Act 2, sc 1-2

          Assignment: none


01-10: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: Reading Hamlet Act 2, sc 1 & completing packet


     Assignment: none

01-11: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Reading Hamlet Act 2, sc 1 & completing packet


     Assignment: none


Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

01-07: Monday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: In-class discussion:Student Congress Bill—Driving Age

          Assignment: research an issue that impacts education

01-08: Tuesday: Objective: Research, analysis and debate

Activity: In-class discussion:Student Congress Bill—Celebrities

          Assignment: research an issue that impacts education

01-09: Wednesday:Objective:

Activity: Write a Student Congress Bill that impacts



          Assignment: none

01-10: Thursday:Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises

     Assignment: none.

01-11: Friday:Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises

     Assignment: none.




Week Eighteen: Dec. 31-Jan. 04

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

12-31: Monday: Merry Christmas!!

01-01: Tuesday: Happy New Year!!

01-02: Wednesday: Happy Holidays!!

01-03: Thursday:Objective: Critical Thinking

Activity: Mean Girls logical fallacies project

         Assignment: none


01-04: Friday: Objective: Critical Thinking

Activity: Mean Girls logical fallacies project

         Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

12-31: Monday: Merry Christmas!!

01-01: Tuesday: Happy New Year!!

01-02: Wednesday: Happy Holidays!!

01-03: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: O Brother Allusions project

     Assignment finish reading the novel you’ve been working on for your independent reading project

01-04: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: O Brother Allusions project

     Assignment finish reading the novel you’ve been working on for your independent reading project

Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

12-31: Monday: Merry Christmas!!

01-01: Tuesday: Happy New Year!!

01-02: Wednesday: Happy Holidays!!


01-03: Thursday: Objective: Vocabulary Acquisition

     Activity: Hamlet vocabulary—Act I sc 3 & 4

     Assignment: none

01-04: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

Activity: Hamlet—reading aloud in class Act I sc 3

     Assignment: none


Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

12-31: Monday: Merry Christmas!!

01-01: Tuesday: Happy New Year!!

01-02: Wednesday: Happy Holidays!!

01-03: Thursday: Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises

     Assignment: none.

01-04: Friday:Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises

     Assignment: none.




Week Sixteen: Dec. 10-Dec. 14


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


12-10: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


     Activity: Completing q. 1-11 on p. 233; “Sir Percival and the Grail”


     Assignment: none


12-11: Tuesday:Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Reading and analyzing “The Ballad of Robin Hood”


     Assignment: complete the worksheet for homework


12-12: Wednesday:Objective:Intorduction to Literature of the Renaissance


Activity: Notes on Literature of the Renaissance; Reading Machiavelli’s “The Prince”


Assignment: underline the sections of “The Prince” that are NOT chivalrous—use your “Chivalry” checklist to help.


12-13: Thursday: Objective: Literary analysis


Activity:Reading “The Prince” & answering questions on a worksheet.


     Assignment: none


12-14: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis


   Activity: Notes on Dante’s Inferno




Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


12-10: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Independent Reading Project—3/4 discussion


Assignment: student presentations for the Allusions poetry project begin tomorrow


12-11: Tuesday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Student presentations


     Assignment: write a 1 paragraph response to one of the questions generated in class today


12-12: Wednesday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Student presentations


     Assignment: write a 1 paragraph response to one of the questions generated in class today


12-13: Thursday: Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Student presentations


     Assignment: write a 1 paragraph response to one of the questions generated in class today


12-14: Friday Objective: Literary Analysis


Activity: Student presentations


     Assignment: write a 1 paragraph response to one of the questions generated in class today




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


12-10: Monday: Objective: Vocabulary acquitition


     Activity: Vocabulary review—Hamlet Act 1 sc 1 & 2


     Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz on Shakespeare’s Theater, Renaissance Literature, and Act 1 vocabulary


12-11: TuesdayObjective: summative assessment


     Activity: Renaissance literature Intro Quiz


     Assignment: none


12-12: WednesdayObjective: Notes on Renaissance tragedies & ghosts


     Activity: Notes and discussion; Reading Act 1 sc. 1 of Hamlet


     Assignment: summary/chart of today’s reading




12-13: Thursday: Objective: Notes on Allusions


     Activity: Notes and discussion; Reading Act 1 sc. 1-2 of Hamlet


     Assignment: summary/chart of today’s reading


12-14: Friday: Objective: Notes on monologues/soliloquies


     Activity: Notes and discussion; Reading Act 1 sc. 2 of Hamlet


     Assignment: summary/chart of today’s reading




Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


12-10: Monday: Objective: Critical thinking


     Activity: Lecture on the format and content of formal questioning ; Student Congress—Exotic Animals bill;NE students write and ask questions on the fly


     Assignment: Forensics assignment—research an education bill


12-11: Tuesday: Objective: Critical thinking


     Activity: Lecture on the format and content of formal questioning ; Student Congress—Needle Exchange—EA students write and ask questions on the fly


     Assignment: Forensics assignment—research an education bill


12-12: Wednesday:Objective: Speech Techniques/Bill Format  


     Activity: Discussion of AE and NE bills; students will revise their bills and present the revised drafts.


     Assignment: Write a 1st draft of an education bill


12-13: Thursday:Objective: Critical thinking


     Activity: Student presentations of education bills


     Assignment: none.


12-14: Friday:Objective: Introduction to theater


     Activity: Improv exercises


     Assignment: none.







Week Fifteen: Dec. 03-Dec. 07

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239

12-03: Monday: Objective: Writing a personal essay

     Activity: Troy essay project

     Assignment: 2 paragraph response due tomorrow

12-04: Tuesday:Objective: Participating in a debate

Activity: Troy movie project debate part 1

     Assignment: none.

12-05: Wednesday:Objective:Intorduction to Literature of the Middle Ages

Activity: Notes on Literature of the Middle Ages; Worksheet on Chivalry

                             Assignment: none

12-06: Thursday: Objective: Literary analysis

Activity:Reading “Sir Percival and the Grail” & answering   questions 1-10 on p. 633

     Assignment: complete the “Chivalry” worksheet& q. 11 on p. 633

12-07: Friday: Objective: Literary Analysis

     Activity: Reading “Robin Hood”; worksheet on literary analysis

     Assignment: Write a paragraph on who is most chivalrous: King

     Arthur, Percival, or Robin Hood.


Class: English 10 Accelerated

Per 5, Room 239

12-03: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis--poetry

Activity: Allusions Project Launch—discussion of allusions & artwork; students will choose a poem to discuss

Assignment: student presentations begin Monday; research allusions for homework

12-04: Tuesday:Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience

Activity: Allusions Project—students will articulate the themes of their chosen poems

     Assignment: student presentations begin Monday

12-05: Wednesday: Objective: Literary analysis--poetry

     Activity: Allusions project—artwork, discussion of imagery

     Assignment: student presentations begin Monday

12-06: Thursday: Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience

     Activity: discussion of tone; project work day

     Assignment: student presentations begin Monday

12-07: Friday:Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience

     Activity: Sample project; speech tips; generating questions

     Assignment: student presentations begin Monday


Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

12-03: Monday: Objective: Reading for Theme

     Activity: Machiavelli’s The Prince

     Assignment: complete the worksheet

12-04: TuesdayObjective: Notes on Shakespeare’s theater

     Activity: Class Discussion and notes

     Assignment: vocabulary set due Thursday

12-05: WednesdayObjective: Notes on Shakespeare’s language

     Activity: Notes and discussion

     Assignment: vocabulary set due tomorrow


12-06: Thursday:Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience

     Activity: Troy movie project

     Assignment: none.

12-07: Friday: Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience

     Activity: Troy movie project

     Assignment: none.


Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2

Per 6 &8, Room 239

12-03: Monday: Objective: Literary Analysis; “Everything is a debate, or at least a


     Activity: Love and Information wrap-up and discussion—what is

the theme of this short piece?

     Assignment: Forensics assignment—research a bill or a script

12-04: Tuesday: Objective: Introduction to Student Congress

     Activity: Notes and discussion, judging a sample debate

Assignment: research a bill & write a 1-2 minute response

12-05: Wednesday:Objective: Speech Techniques

     Activity: Student presentations of bill responses

     Assignment: polish your response or write a second response

12-06: Thursday:Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience

     Activity: Student presentations of bill responses

     Assignment: none.

12-07: Friday:Objective: Introduction to theater

     Activity: Improv exercises

     Assignment: none.



Week Fourteen: Nov. 26-Nov. 30


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


11-26: Monday: Thanksgiving Break


11-27: Tuesday: Objective: Reading for theme, analyzing audience


     Activity: Troy movie project


     Assignment: none.


11-28: Wednesday: Objective: Reading a movie script, test-taking techniques


     Activity: Troy movie project,day 2


     Assignment: none.


11-29: Thursday: Objective: Reading for theme, creating a reader-response essay


     Activity: Troy movie project, day 3


     Assignment: writing paragraph 1




11-30: Friday: Objective: Reading for theme, creating a reader-response essay


     Activity: Troy movie project, day 4


     Assignment: writing paragraphs 2 & 3




Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


11-26: Monday: Thanksgiving Break


11-27: Tuesday:readingand discussingMedea in class


          Assignment: answer study guide questions 40-45


11-28: Wednesday: readingand discussingMedea in class


          Assignment: answer study guide questions 46-52


11-29: Thursday: Allusions poetry project


Assignment: Allusions poetry project


11-30: Friday: Reading club day #3.


          Assignment: Allusions poetry project




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


11-26: Monday: Thanksgiving Break


11-27: Tuesday: Knight’s Tale project


11-28: WednesdayKnight’s Tale project


11-29: Thursday: Knight’s Tale project


11-30: Friday: Newspaper project—2 summary/responses and one discussion due.




Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 & 8, Room 239


11-26: Monday: Thanksgiving Break


11-27: Tuesday: Storytelling in debate: Guest speaker video “Creating Character”; “Respect the Work”; scene interpretation from Carol Churchill’s Love and Information—“Secret”, p. 4-5 or “Fan”, p. 6-8


11-28: Wednesday: Storytelling in debate: Guest speaker video “Voice and Character”; vocal warm-ups; scene interpretation from Cinderella or Lion King


11-29: Thursday: Storytelling in debate: Guest speaker video “Physical Characterization”; scene interpretation from Julius Caesar


11-30: Friday: Storytelling in debate: Guest speaker video “Breaking Down a Script”; scene interpretation from Julius Caesar





Week Fourteen: Nov. 19-Nov. 23


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


11-19: Monday: Review of Dramatic Terms Test; Review for Iliad quiz


11-20: Tuesday: Brief quiz on The Iliad; Trojan war stories project day 1


11-21: Wednesday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-22: Thursday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-23: Friday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!




Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


11-19: Monday: reading and discussing Medea in class; p. 1-10, q. 1-15


          Assignment:answer study guide questions 16-21


11-20: Tuesday:readingand discussingMedeain class; p. 11-21, q. 16-21


          Assignment:Independent reading through the third quarter of the book.


11-21: Wednesday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-22: Thursday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-23: Friday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!  


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


11-19: Monday: Knight’s Tale project


11-20: Tuesday: Knight’s Tale project


11-21: Wednesday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-22: Thursday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-23: Friday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!




Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


11-19: Monday: Small group debate: e-books vs standard textbooks


11-20: Tuesday: Small group debate: e-books vs standard textbooks


11-21: Wednesday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-22: Thursday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!


11-23: Friday: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!



Week Twelve: November 05-09



Week Thirteen: Nov. 12-Nov. 16


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


11-12: Monday: Notes on The Iliad


11-13: Tuesday: reading The Iliad Book 1 &answering study guide questions1-18


11-14: Wednesday:reading The Iliad Book 22 &answering study guide questions 1-15


11-15: Thursday: reading The Iliad Book 24&answering study guide questions 1-20


11-16: Friday: Brief quiz on The Iliad; Trojan war stories project day 1




Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


11-12: Monday:readingand discussingMedeain class; p. 1-10, q. 1-15


          Assignment:answer study guide questions 16-21


11-13: Tuesday:readingand discussingMedeain class; p. 11-21, q. 16-21


          Assignment:answer study guide questions 26-31


11-14: Wednesday: readingand discussingMedeain class; p. 22-30, q. 26-31


          Assignment:answer study guide questions 32-40


11-15: Thursday: readingand discussingMedeain class; p. 31-40, q. 32-40


Assignment:answer study guide questions 41-55


11-16: Friday: Allusions project launch/ Reading club day #2.


          Assignment:Independent reading through the third quarter of the book.




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


11-12: Monday:Worksheet on Chaucer’s “Nun’s Priest’s Tale” & “Knight’s Tale.”


11-13: Tuesday: Worksheet on Robin Hood


11-14: Wednesday: Quiz on Medieval lit—Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, MorteD’Arthur, Robin Hood, Code of Chivalry


11-15: Thursday:Knight’s Tale project


11-16: Friday: Knight’s Tale project




Class: Argument  & Performance 1 & 2


Per 6 &8, Room 239


11-12: Monday: Small group debate: Social Media/Talent vs. Hard Work


11-13: Tuesday: Small group debate: Social Media/Talent vs. Hard Work


11-14: Wednesday:Small group debate: Marijuana Legalization/Body Image


11-15: Thursday: Small group debate: Marijuana Legalization/Body Image


11-16: Friday: Small group debate: e-textbooks




Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


11-05: Monday:

Objective: Test Review


Activity: We will study for Wednesday’s test, studying 15 vocabulary terms by writing sentences and reading them aloud.

Assignment: study for Wednesday’s quiz

11-06: Tuesday:

Objective: Test Review

Activity: students will review dramatic terms & the new vocabulary for tomorrow’s test.

Assignment: none.

11-07: Wednesday:

Objective: Unit Test—Greek Drama. 130 points.

Activity: Test on Greek Drama, which will include plot-level questions, a reading passage with analytical questions, questions about Greek theaters and the Greek chorus, and questions about 25 dramatic terms.

Assignment: none

11-08: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice writing summaries

Activity: Newspaper activities. Students will take notes on the parts of a newspaper, label a newspaper with markers, and summarize an article.

Assignment: none.

11-09: Friday:

Objective: Students will research for a debate

Activity: Students will break into 4 groups and prepare a mini-debate on a topic of their choosing. (The Laptop cart will be required.)

Assignment: none

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239


11-05: Monday:

Objective: Reading Drama

Activity: After reviewing the notecards from last week, students will discuss the dramatic terms in a study guide.

Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

11-06: Tuesday:

Objective: Quiz

Activity: Quiz on Greek Authors and all note cards covered since the last quiz.

Assignment: read to the halfway point in your independent novels by Friday of next week.

11-07 Wednesday:

Objective: Reading and interpreting drama.

Activity: Students will sign up for parts and begin to read Medea.

Assignment: prepare your parts.

11-08: Thursday:

Objective: Reading and interpreting drama.

Activity: Students will read Medea.

Assignment: prepare your parts, paying attention to the rubric.

11-09: Friday:

Objective: Reading and interpreting drama.

Activity: Students will read Medea.

Assignment: prepare your parts, paying attention to the rubric.

Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


11-05: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice reading and analyzing literature

Activity: Students will read several pages of “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales and then watch an animated version while filling out questions in a study guide.

Assignment: none


11-06: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading and analyzing literature

Activity: Students will read several pages of “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales and then watch an animated version while filling out questions in a study guide.

Assignment: none

11-07: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading and analyzing literature

Activity: Students will read “Morte D’Arthur” and answer questions 1-5 & 8 on p.

Assignment: study for tomorrow’s quiz

11-08: Thursday:

Objective: Quiz

Activity: Students will take a quiz on Medieval Literature that will cover the characters in The Canterbury Tales, information on the code of chivalry, plot-level questions about

Assignment: none.

11-09: Friday:

Objective: Students will analyze a modern story with Medieval characters

Activity: A Knight’s Tale and worksheet

Assignment: none.



Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


11-05: Monday:

Objective: Students will continue researching debate topics

Activity: Students will research their topics using Google Scholar

Assignment: Debates begin Wednesday


11-06: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will continue researching debate topics

Activity: Students will research their topics using Google Scholar

Assignment: Debates begin Wednesday

11-07: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will debate their chosen topics

Activity: Student Debates

Assignment: none.

11-08: Thursday:

Objective: Students will debate their chosen topics

Activity: Student Debates

Assignment: none.

11-09: Friday:

Objective: Students will debate their chosen topics

Activity: Student Debates

Assignment: none.



Week Eleven: October 29-Nov 02


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


10-29: Monday:

Objective: Students will use logic, reasoning, and specific evidence in a debate


Activity: Students will learn to use specific evidence from the text of Oedipus Rex to support their logic and reasoning in a literary anaylsis of the play’s major themes. Notes and large group discussion of literary terms.

Assignment: study terms for Wednesday’s Test.

10-30: Tuesday:

Objective: Test review/notes/vocabulary review

Activity: Students will review literary terms and vocabulary terms in preparation for tomorrow’s test.

Assignment: study terms for Wednesday’s Test

10-31: Wednesday:

Objective: Summative assessment

Activity: Test on Oedipus Rex and literary terms

Assignment: none

11-01: Thursday:

Objective: Students will take notes on newspaper components. Afterward, they will mark up actual newspapers as a “pop quiz.”Activity: Notes and class discussion

Assignment: none.

11-02: Friday:

Act 80 Day—No School for Students!

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239


10-29: Monday:

Objective: Students will use logic, reasoning, and specific evidence in a debate


Activity: Students will learn to use specific evidence from the text of Oedipus Rex to support their logic and reasoning in a literary anaylsis of the play’s major themes. Notes and large group discussion of literary terms.

Assignment: Reading "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" in Hamilton's Mythology, p. 117-130. Homework: Make 11 notecards on the following entities: The Golden Ram, Jason, Pelias, Argo, the Argonauts, the Harpies, the Amazons, King Æetes, Medea,  Apsyrtus, the Princess of Corinth.

10-30: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice close reading & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Notes and large group discussion of literary terms.


Assignment: none

10-31 Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading and analyzing a play

Activity: Reading Medea

Assignment: Quiz on all the Greek note cards so far next week 

11-01: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: small group discussion of individual novels

11-02: Friday:

Act 80 Day—No School for Students!


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


10-29: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice close reading & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on Chaucer and the Middle Ages

Assignment: none


10-30: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice close reading & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on Chaucer and the Middle Ages

Assignment: none

10-31: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading and analyzing epic poetry

Activity: StReading “A Knight’s Tale” out loud

Assignment: none.

11-01: Thursday:

Objective: Students will take notes on newspapers

Activity: Students will take notes on newspaper components. Afterward, they will mark up actual newspapers as a “pop quiz.”

Assignment: none.

11-02: Friday:

Act 80 Day—No School for Students!



Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


10-29: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on Google Scholar and will locate, read, and summarize 2 high-level sources useful to their arguments.

Assignment: none


10-30: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on researching the Congressional Record and legislation that is currently pending will locate, read, and summarize 2 high-level sources useful to their arguments.

Assignment: none

10-31: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on researching recent legal developments and will locate, read, and summarize 2 high-level sources useful to their arguments.

Assignment: none

11-01: Thursday:

Objective: Students will participate in a debate

Activity: Chain debate

Assignment: Small group debates will run next week!

11-02: Friday:

Act 80 Day—No School for Students!


Argument 2

10-29: Monday:

10-29: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on Google Scholar and will locate, read, and summarize 2 high-level sources useful to their arguments.

Assignment: none


10-30: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on researching the Congressional Record and legislation that is currently pending will locate, read, and summarize 2 high-level sources useful to their arguments.

Assignment: none

10-31: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Students will take notes on researching recent legal developments and will locate, read, and summarize 2 high-level sources useful to their arguments.

Assignment: none

11-01: Thursday:

Objective: Students will participate in a debate

Activity: Chain debate

Assignment: Small group debates will run next week!

11-02: Friday: Act 80 Day—No School for Students!

Week Ten: October 22-26




Class: English 10 College Prep




Per 2,7, Room 239




10-22: Monday:


Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading




Activity: We’ll be reading out loud in class. Students will be assigned various parts, including choral parts to be read in unison—everyone will read something.2 Margin questions from the Holt  textbook—Act I (p230-236) Questions 7,8 & 9 on p. 237; Act 2 (p 238-240.) 2 margin questions


Assignment: 4 dramatic terms from the packet


10-23: Tuesday:


Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading


Activity: Reading Oedipus Rex—p. 242-250—4 new terms will be covered.


Assignment: none.


10-24: Wednesday:


Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading


Activity: Acting out Oedipus Rex—p. 250-256—4 new terms will be covered.


Assignment: 4 dramatic terms from the packet


10-25: Thursday:


Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading


Activity: Acting out Oedipus Rex—p. 256-262—2 new terms will be covered.


Assignment: none.


Assignment: none.


10-26: Friday:


Objective: Students will review for Tuesday’s test


Activity: Quizlet on the diagram of a Greek Theater; Dramatic terms packet terms review.


Assignment: quiz Tuesday


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239




10-22: Monday:


Objective: Reading for theme and close reading & participating in a large group discussion.


Activity: 9 notecards due. Chorus & Dramatic Reading Activity Project. P. 215-252.


Assignment: none.


10-23: Tuesday:


Objective: Students will practice close reading & participating in a large group discussion.


Activity: Students will finish reading Oedipus Rex in class. (p. 252-262.)


Assignment: Write an essay in which you explain who is primarily at fault for the horrific events depicted in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. Write a standard 3 paragraph essay, making sure to support your ideas and reasoning with specific details and quotations from the text.


10-24 Wednesday:


Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills


Activity: Group debate on Oedipus Rex.


Assignment: Reading "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" in Hamilton's Mythology, p. 117-130. Homework: Make 11 notecards on the following entities: The Golden Ram, Jason, Pelias, Argo, the Argonauts, the Harpies, the Amazons, King Æetes, Medea,  Apsyrtus, the Princess of Corinth 


10-25: Thursday:


Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills


Activity: Group debate on Oedipus Rex.


10-26: Friday:


Objective:  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity:  Independent Reading /Journal Assignment


Assignment: Read the first four chapters of your new book and write a journal response by Monday.




Class: English 12 Practical




Per 3, Room 239




10-22: Monday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will break into small groups, choose a topic for a debate, and begin writing proposals.


Assignment: bring your earbuds or headphones tomorrow.




10-23: Tuesday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and watching at least 30 minutes of one documentary on their chosen topic.


Assignment: none.


10-24: Wednesday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and summarizing at least 5 articles on the “Affirmation” side of their chosen controversy.


Assignment: none.


10-25: Thursday:


Objective: Students will take notes on newspapers


Activity: Students will take notes on newspaper components. Afterward, they will mark up actual newspapers as a “pop quiz.”


Assignment: none.


10-26: Friday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and summarizing at least 5 articles on the “Negation” side of their chosen controversy.


Assignment: none.






Class: Argument  & Performance




 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




10-22: Monday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will break into small groups, choose a topic for a debate, and begin writing proposals.


Assignment: none




10-23: Tuesday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and watching at least one documentary on their chosen topic.


Assignment: none.


10-24: Wednesday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and summarizing at least 5 articles on the “Affirmation” side of their chosen controversy.


Assignment: none.


10-25: Thursday:


Objective: Students will take notes on the “Toulmin Method”


Activity: Mini lecture and class discussion.


Assignment: none.


10-26: Friday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and summarizing at least 5 articles on the “Negation” side of their chosen controversy.


Assignment: none.




Argument 2


10-22: Monday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will break into small groups, choose a topic for a debate, and begin writing proposals.


Assignment: none




10-23: Tuesday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and watching at least one documentary on their chosen topic.


Assignment: none.


10-24: Wednesday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and summarizing at least 5 articles on the “Affirmation” side of their chosen controversy.


Assignment: none.


10-25: Thursday:


Objective: Students will take notes on the “Toulmin Method”


Activity: Mini lecture and class discussion.


Assignment: none.


10-26: Friday:


Objective: Students will begin to research debate topics


Activity: Students will research their topics, finding and summarizing at least 5 articles on the “Negation” side of their chosen controversy.


Assignment: none.



Week Nine: October 15-19


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


10-15: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading


Activity: After reviewing the opening scene of the play, we'll be reading out loud in class. Students will be assigned various parts, including choral parts to be read in unison—everyone will read something. 9 Margin questions from the Holt  textbook—Act I (p. 209-214.)

Assignment: 4 dramatic terms from the packet

10-16: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading

Activity: Reading Oedipus Rex—p. 216-220—4 new terms will be covered.

Assignment: none.

10-17: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading

Activity: Acting out Oedipus Rex—p. 220-230—4 new terms will be covered.

Assignment: 4 dramatic terms from the packet

10-18: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading

Activity: Acting out Oedipus Rex—p. 220-230—4 new terms will be covered.

Assignment: 2 dramatic terms from the packet

10-19: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading

Activity: Acting out Oedipus Rex—p. 220-230—2 new terms will be covered.

Assignment: none.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239


10-15: Monday:

Objective: Reading for theme and close reading & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Working as a large group, we will discuss what we have covered in Oedipus Rex so far, p. 211-246

Assignment: none.

10-16: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice close reading & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Chorus Activity. P. 246-252.

10-17 Wednesday:


Activity:  In their small groups, students will perform the chorus response on p. 250-252. In the large group, students will comment on their peers’ performances, & read the script for theme.

Assignment: finish reading the play, p. 252-262. Answer the questions in the margins.



10-18: Thursday:

Objective:  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity:  Review of Oedipus Rex

Assignment: 4 great adventures -- p. 131-140 +Midas, p. 278—9 pgs, 8 cards: Phaethon, Pegasus , Bellerophon, the Chimaera, Minos, Daedalus, Icharus, Midas. Due tomorrow.

10-19: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Group debate on Oedipus Rex.

Assignment: none.



Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


10-15: Monday:

Students will report to Business Week activities all week. Good Luck, everybody!


10-16: Tuesday:

Business week

10-17: Wednesday:

Business week

10-18: Thursday:

Business week

10-19: Friday:

Business week



Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


10-15: Monday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none

10-16: Tuesday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none

10-17: Wednesday: none

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none

10-18: Thursday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none


10-19: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: SPAR Debate: If Football is so bad for the players, should we be watching it?

Assignment: none.

Argument 2

10-15: Monday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none

10-16: Tuesday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none

10-17: Wednesday: none

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none

10-18: Thursday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: League of Denial film and discussion. Here are the accompanying questions.

Assignment: none


10-19: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: SPAR Debate: If Football is so bad for the players, should we be watching it?

Assignment: none.


Week Eight: October 8-12


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


10-08: Monday:

Have a great Columbus Day!!

10-09: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice reading for theme and close reading

Activity: Introduction to Greek Mythology: Worksheet.

Assignment: none.

10-10: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques

Activity: Brief diagnostic test on dramatic terms.  Introduction to the Dramatic Terms packet--we will cover 4 terms. Then, we'll be reading out loud in class. (Students may volunteer for parts.) P. 204-209--9 margin questions due at the end of class.

Assignment: 4 dramatic terms from the packet

10-11: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques

Activity:We'll watch and take notes on 2 videoclips: here's the first, and here's the second. Small group activity: reading a part of a Greek Chorus.

10-12: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques

Activity: After reviewing yesterday’s homework, we will cover 4 new terms. Then, we'll be reading out loud in class. Students will be assigned various parts, including choral parts to be read in unison—everyone will read something. 9 Margin questions from the Holt  textbook—Act I (p. 209-214.)

Assignment: 4 dramatic terms from the packet


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239


10-08: Monday:

Have a great Columbus Day!!


10-09: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice close reading & participating in a large group discussion.

Activity: Chorus Activity. Silent reading in class &/or for homework: read p. 209-220.

Assignment: p. 209-220

10-10 Wednesday:

Objective:  formative assessment

Activity:  Quiz on Chapters 1 & 2 & the Introduction to Hamilton’s Mythology

Assignment: : In Hamilton's Mythology, read p. 92-116 "Cupid & Psyche," & "8 Brief Tales of Lovers."  Make notecards for the following: Cupid, Psyche; Pyramus/Thisbe; Orpheus/Eurydice; Ceyx/Alcyone; Pygmalian/Galatea; Baucis/Philemon; Endymion; Daphne; Alpheus/Arethusa . Due Friday



10-11: Thursday:

Objective:  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity:  Review of Oedipus Rex p. 209-220.  In class & Homework: Read p. 220-230.


Assignment: Read p. 220-230.

10-12: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Group debate project intro.

Assignment: none.



Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


10-08: Monday:

Have a great Columbus Day!!


10-09: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Research project—Slides 7 & 12—Basic Description

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of this week—100 points!!

10-10: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Research project—Slides 8,9 & 13,14—Financial Information, Company History

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of next week—100 points!!

10-11: Thursday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Research project—Slides 10-11 & 15-16“The Job”; & “Culture”

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of next week—100 points!!

10-12: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Business Projects are Due!!

Assignment: Business week next week—get any late work in Monday morning before first period.



Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


10-08: Monday:

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: Please Vote For Me film and discussion

Assignment: none

10-09: Tuesday:

Objective: researching and writing a speech

Activity: Article: “Why More Young People Don’t Vote, and What Students Can Do About It”

Assignment: none

10-10: Wednesday: none

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Small group brainstorm: a story to tell for the 2nd draft of our Voice of Democracy speeches.

Assignment: none.

10-11: Thursday:

Objective: Second Draft of the VoD speech due by the end of the period today—typed in Google Docs.

Activity: none


10-12: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Peer Review of Second Drafts

Assignment: none.

Argument 2

Objective: in-class discussion

Activity: Please Vote For Me film and discussion

Assignment: none

10-09: Tuesday:

Objective: researching and writing a speech

Activity: Article: “Why More Young People Don’t Vote, and What Students Can Do About It”

Assignment: none

10-10: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Small group brainstorm: a story to tell for the 2nd draft of our Voice of Democracy speeches.

Assignment: none.

10-11: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Peer Review of Second Drafts

Assignment: Last revision before recording day


10-12: Friday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Peer Review of Second Drafts/Recording Day #1

Assignment: Record your speech if you haven’t already done so..


Week Seven: October 1-5


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


10-01: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice revising essays

Activity: Notes & class discussion on essay structure; a second draft of last week’s essay is due by the end of the period.

*Restate the prompt *Give your Opinion while answering the question *explain the reasoning behind your opinion *Support your answer with specific details. 

Assignment: study for a vocabulary quiz tomorrow on A/An, Micro & macro, & the most missed from phobia/phil, mis/dis & eu

10-02: Tuesday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: After a brief assessment on vocabulary terms, students will take notes on Greek drama.

Assignment: none.

10-03: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques

Activity: Notes & class discussion on Greek drama

Assignment: 2 examples of modern films or books that follow each of the three unities; 5 examples of stories that begin “in media res.”

10-04: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and vocabulary acquisition skills

Activity: Vocabulary review; Assembly 9-12

10-05: Friday:

Teacher In-service—a day off for the students!

Assignment: none.


Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239


10-01: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques

Activity:  Discussion of the function of a Greek chorus; brief discussion of the 31 note cards due today. There will be a quiz on those cards next Wednesday--10/10/2018.

Assignment: none

10-02: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice analyzing storylines using Greek criteria

Activity: Brief diagnostic quiz on dramatic elements. Then, students will work in small groups to think of examples of books, movies, or television programs that begin in media res.

Assignment: study for the quiz that has been postponed to next Wednesday.

10-03 Wednesday:

Objective:  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity:  Reading Oedipus Rex, p. 204-211 (Chorus Activity, if time allows--there is a worksheet to be filled out, and 2 film clips to watch:  here's the first, and here's the second.)

Assignment: : In Hamilton's Mythology, read p. 47-62, & p. 92-116 That's "The Two Great Gods of Earth," "Cupid & Psyche," & "8 Brief Tales of Lovers."  Make notecards for the following: Demeter; Persephone; Dionysus/Bacchus; Psyche; Pyramus/Thisbe; Orpheus/Eurydice; Ceyx/Alcyone; Pygmalian/Galatea; Baucis/Philemon; Endymion; Daphne; Alpheus/Arethusa . Due Tuesday of next week.



10-04: Thursday:

Objective:  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity:  Chorus Activity, continued; reading Oedipus Rex, p. 211-219.

Assignment: : In Hamilton's Mythology, read p. 47-62, & p. 92-116 That's "The Two Great Gods of Earth," "Cupid & Psyche," & "8 Brief Tales of Lovers."  Make notecards for the following: Demeter; Persephone; Dionysus/Bacchus; Psyche; Pyramus/Thisbe; Orpheus/Eurydice; Ceyx/Alcyone; Pygmalian/Galatea; Baucis/Philemon; Endymion; Daphne; Alpheus/Arethusa . Due Tuesday of next week.

10-05: Friday:

Teacher In-service—a day off for the students!



Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


10-01: Monday:

Objective: Students will practice and improve their research techniques

Activity:Introduction to the research project: “Why Do You Want To Work Here”? Lecture, Notes, and Discussion.

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of next week—100 points!!

10-02: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Research project—Slide 2—Basic Description

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of next week—100 points!!

10-03: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Research project—Slides 3 & 4—Financial Information, Company History

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of next week—100 points!!

10-04: Thursday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Research project—Slides 5 & 6“The Job”; & “Culture”

Assignment: the project will be due Friday of next week—100 points!!

10-05: Friday:

Teacher In-service—a day off for the students!



Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


10-01: Monday:

Objective: Voice of Democracy Scholarship Applications

Activity: Watching another student’s speech; peer review worksheets

Assignment: VOD project is due Tomorrow

10-02: Tuesday:

Objective: researching and writing a speech

Activity: VOD project is due today!!

Assignment: none

10-03: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Group debate project intro.

Assignment: none.

10-04: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Spar debates; Assembly 9-12


10-05: Friday:

Teacher In-service—a day off for the students!


Argument 2

10-01: Monday:

Objective: Voice of Democracy Scholarship Applications

Activity: Watching another student’s speech; peer review worksheets

Assignment: VOD project is due Tomorrow

10-02: Tuesday:

Objective: researching and writing a speech

Activity: VOD project is due today!!

Assignment: none

10-03: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Group debate project intro.

Assignment: none.

10-04: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice their critical thinking and speaking skills

Activity: Spar debates; Assembly 9-12


10-05: Friday:

Teacher In-service—a day off for the students!



Week Six: September 24-28


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


09-24: Monday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity:Lecture, small group work, and large group discussion of The Epic of Gilgamesh & “The Story of the Flood” from Genesis. Read p. 60-63; answer questions 1-7 on p. 66 & make a chart detailing the similarities and differences between the Biblical flood & the flood in Gilgamesh (p.29.) Large group discussion in the last 10 minutes of class.

Assignment: Look over your packet questions (including the vocabulary words like “deluge”) and the introductory material—there will be a test on Gilgamesh tomorrow.

09-25: Tuesday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively     

Objective: Students will take an assessment on Gilgamesh.

Activity: A quiz with 40 multiple choice questions, a reading passage, and an essay.

09-26: Wednesday:

Objective: Students will practice discussion techniques,

Activity: Students will discuss their essays from Wednesday and then discuss study tips and test-taking techniques.


09-27: Thursday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques.

Activity: Students will take notes on Greek literature and discuss what they know of Greek history, government, mythology, and theater. (Antigone will be reviewed.)

Assignment: Read the introduction to Edith Hamilton’s Mythology.

09-28: Friday:

Objective: Students will take a released Keystone exam passage, focusing on reading for theme, developing vocabulary, analyzing the imagery in a passage, and

Activity: After a discussion of Hamilton’s Mythology, students will take a diagnostic exam and then participate in a large-group discussion of essay techniques.

Assignment: none.


Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


09-24: Monday:

Objective: Students will discuss structuring a test essay and their independent reading & journal projects.

Activity: Large Group discussion--review of Gilgamesh test & test essays in general--

*Restate the prompt *Give your Opinion while answering the question *explain the reasoning behind your opinion *Support your answer with specific details. 

Assignment: Read the introduction to Edith Hamilton’s Mythology & complete the worksheet.

09-25: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will practice note taking and discussion techniques.

Activity: Students will take notes on Greek literature and discuss what they know of Greek history, government, mythology, and theater. (Antigone will be reviewed.)

Assignment: journal assignment.

09-26 Wednesday:

Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity: Lecture, notes, & class discussion: Greek Drama.

Assignment: Read Chapter 1: Greek and Roman Authors. Create 10 flashcards for the following authors, explaining what each wrote about, giving biographical information when possible and naming major works when possible: Homer; Hesiod; Pindar; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; Aristophanes; Pausanais; Virgil; Ovid.


09-27: Thursday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity: In class discussion of the homework and the flashcards for the following authors: Homer; Hesiod; Pindar; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; Aristophanes; Pausanais; Virgil; Ovid.

Assignment: Journal Assignment

09-28: Friday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity: Lecture and discussion: Greek Theater (there's a diagram that needs to be labeled) & the Greek Chorus. (We'll watch and take notes on 2 videoclips: here's the first, and here's the second.) Reading in class: Oedipus Rex.

Assignment: Journal Assignment; read Oedipus Rex -- p. 204-208. Answer the questions in the margins.


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


09-24: Monday:

Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.

Activity: Discussion of the business side of Robert Zemeckis's Beowulf (the film), a movie that cost 150 million dollars but grossed 196.4 million dollars, for a profit of 46.4 million dollars. It debuted as the top selling movie of the week when it opened, & was, obviously, enormously popular when it came out in 2007. Since then, it has failed to grab "classis" status, and is widely considered by my students to be a mediocre movie. So. It was good, but there is room for improvement.  In-class discussion: Pretending that you could go back in time and give some input to the director and producer before the movie was actually made, what 3 things would you counsel them to change about the movie? What would you advise them to keep the same?  Support your answer with logical reasoning and specifics from your notes on the movie.

Assignment: finish the essay for homework if it isn’t completed in class.

09-25: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will develop and improve their research techniques.

Activity: Introduction to Business Concepts -- Lecture, Notes, and Discussion.

Assignment: none.

09-26: Wednesday:

Objective:        Students will develop and improve their business writing.

Activity: “Why Do You Want To Work Here”? Lecture, Notes, and Discussion. Research Project—slides 3 & 4—Financial Information, Company History

Assignment: Quiz on business concepts Friday

09-27: Thursday:

Objective: Test review


Activity: Quiz Review: Business basics

Assignment: Quiz on business concepts tomorrow.

09-28: Friday:

Objective:        Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Business Concepts Quiz; Shark Tank review.

Assignment: The project will be due Wednesday of next week


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


09-24: Monday:

Objective: Voice of Democracy Scholarship Applications

Activity: Discussion of the prompt; research techniques mini-lecture & online research.

Assignment: VOD project is due Tuesday of next week

09-25: Tuesday:

Objective: researching and writing a speech

Activity: Students will work individually to respond to the Voice of Democracy prompt.

Assignment: VOD project is due Tuesday of next week

09-26: Wednesday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Activity: Watching another student’s speech; peer review worksheets

Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.

09-27: Thursday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Activity: Watching another student’s speech; peer review worksheets

Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.

09-28: Friday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Activity: Students will practice their speeches and begin recording them.

Assignment: VoD project will be due Tuesday.



Argument 2

09-24: Monday:

Objective: Voice of Democracy Scholarship Applications

Activity: Discussion of the prompt; research techniques mini-lecture & online research.

Assignment: VOD project is due Tuesday of next week

09-25: Tuesday:

Objective: researching and writing a speech

Activity: Students will work individually to respond to the Voice of Democracy prompt.

Assignment: VOD project is due Tuesday of next week

09-26: Wednesday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Activity: Watching another student’s speech; peer review worksheets

Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.

09-27: Thursday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Activity: Watching another student’s speech; peer review worksheets

Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.

09-28: Friday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Activity: Students will practice their speeches and begin recording them.

Assignment: VoD project will be due Tuesday.

Week five: September 17-21




Class: English 10 College Prep




Per 2,7, Room 239




09-17: Monday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


Activity:Lecture, small group work, and large group discussion on The Epic of Gilgamesh. Read p. 26-29; answer packet questions 12-20.


Assignment: Write 5 sentences from the new list of vocabulary terms.


09-18: Tuesday:


Objective:        Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression


Activity: Students will discuss their use of the new vocabulary terms, volunteering to read various sentences.


Assignment: Study for tomorrow’s quiz.


09-19: Wednesday:


Objective: Students will take an assessment on 25 vocabulary terms and the introductory material for Gilgamesh.


Activity: A quiz with 40 multiple choice questions. Afterwards, students will read Gilgamesh p. 23-26, & answer questions 21-24--anything not completed will become homework.


09-20: Thursday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


Activity:Discussion of Gilgamesh packet & general review


Assignment: Gilgamesh quiz tomorrow


09-21: Friday:


Activity: Students will take an assessment on Gilgamesh that will include a literary analysis of the author’s use of symbolism, theme, and the techniques of the oral tradition.


Activity: A quiz with 40 multiple choice questions and an essay.




Class: English 10 Accelerated




Per 5, Room 239




09-17: Monday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Small group work on “The Return” & “The Death of Gilgamesh.”


Assignment: Literary Analysis Worksheet


09-18: Tuesday:


Objective: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression


Activity: Students will discuss The Epic of Gilgamesh, including the symbolic and thematic significance of most of the characters.


Assignment: Study for tomorrow’s quiz


09-19 Wednesday:




                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: A quiz on The Epic of Gilgamesh,including the introductory material, character identification, plot questions, and an essay on literary elements like theme and characterization. Be prepared to discuss similarities and differences between The Epic of Gilgamesh and a few of the origin myths that you have read.




Assignment: Choose a novel to read


09-20: Thursday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Notes on the Greeks; Notes on Essay writing


Assignment: Journal Assignment


09-21: Friday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Students will discuss and take notes on Greek Theater


Assignment: Journal Assignment




Class: English 12 Practical




Per 3, Room 239




09-17: Monday:


Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Students will read "The Monster's Lair," & "The Battle with Grendel's Mother," discussing study guide questions as we progress.


09-18: Tuesday:




Activity: Students will read "The Last Battle," "The Spoils," and "The Farewell." P. 35-46, discussing study guide questions as we progress.


09-19: Wednesday:


Objective:        Formative analysis




Activity: Students will take a quiz on Beowulf. I mean it this time. This is the actual day—no more postponing.


09-20: Thursday:


Objective:        Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively




Activity: Students will read section 3 of Beowulf and answer questions 27-33 in the study guide


Assignment: complete and questions you didn’t finish in class.


09-21: Friday:


Objective:        Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.




Activity: Students will read section 4 of Beowulf and answer questions 34-46 in the study guide


Assignment: complete and questions you didn’t finish in class. Study for a test on Beowulf—including plot questions, character identification, vocabulary terms, literary terms, and vocabularyon Tuesday.




Class: Argument  & Performance




 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




09-17: Monday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Lecture on active listening. Watching stand-up routines; peer review worksheets


Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.


09-18: Tuesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines; peer review worksheets


Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.


09-19: Wednesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines; peer review worksheets


Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.


09-20: Thursday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Discussion of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in 2 instances of protest techniques.


Assignment: Persuasion worksheet


09-21: Friday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Persuasion Game


Assignment: Persuasion worksheet






Argument 2


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Lecture on active listening. Watching stand-up routines; peer review worksheets


Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.


09-18: Tuesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines; peer review worksheets


Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.


09-19: Wednesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines; peer review worksheets


Assignment: complete any peer review sheets you weren’t able to finish in class.


09-20: Thursday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Discussion of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in 2 instances of protest techniques.


Assignment: Persuasion worksheet


09-21: Friday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Persuasion Game


Assignment: Persuasion worksheet



Week Four: September 10-14




Class: English 10 College Prep




Per 2,7, Room 239




09-10: Monday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


Activity:Lecture, small group work, and large group discussion on the topic of Humarabi’s code and ancient Mesopotamia.


Assignment: Write a paragraph on the possible connection between setting and characterization in literature set in ancient Mesopotamia.


09-11: Tuesday:


Objective:        Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


Activity: Students will research and take notes on Gilgamesh and participate in a large class discussion of the new material. A worksheet is due on a film that will be watched.


Assignment: Complete 10 questions on the vocab worksheet for the vocabulary terms from the “Mis” and “Dis” list.


09-12: Wednesday:


Objective: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression


Activity: Students will work individually to study a set of new vocabulary words and then put the new terms into sentences of their own construction.


Assignment: Complete sentences for 20 vocabulary terms from the “Mis” and “Dis” list.


09-13: Thursday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


Activity: Students will discuss their vocabulary sentences with the large group. When done, they will complete a Quizlet on character names & identifications.


Assignment: Quiz on the new vocabulary terms & introductory material for The Epic of Gilgamesh tomorrow.


09-14: Friday:


Objective: Students will take an assessment on 25 vocabulary terms and the introductory material for Gilgamesh.


Activity: A quiz with 40 multiple choice questions. Afterwards, students will read Gilgamesh p. 23-26, & answer questions 1-11.




Class: English 10 Accelerated




Per 5, Room 239




09-10: Monday:


Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Small group work on “The Forest Journey”


Assignment: Read “Ishtar and Gilgamesh” for Wednesday


09-11: Tuesday:


Objective: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression


Activity: Students will work in a large group to study a set of new vocabulary words, practice pronunciation, and then put the new terms into sentences of their own construction.


Assignment: Complete sentences for 17 vocabulary terms from the “Phobia” and “Phil” list.


09-12: Wednesday:


Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Small group work on “Ishtar and Gilgamesh”


Assignment: Read “The Search for Everlasting Life” & “The Story of the Flood” for homework.


09-13: Thursday:


Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


                       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.


Activity: Small group work on “Ishtar and Gilgamesh”


Assignment: Read “The Return” for homework.


09-14: Friday:


Objective: Students will take an assessment on 25 vocabulary terms and the introductory material for Gilgamesh.




Study for a quiz on Gilgamesh, including the introductory material, character identification, plot questions, and an essay on literary elements like theme and characterization. Be prepared to discuss similarities and differences between The Epic of Gilgamesh and a few of the origin myths that you have read.






Class: English 12 Practical




Per 3, Room 239




09-10: Monday:


Objective: Test Review


Activity: Students will review character names and the new vocabulary terms


Homework: prepare for a 25 question multiple choice quiz on the introductory material for Beowulf


09-11: Tuesday:


Objective: Students will engage in a formative assessment of the introductory material.


Activity: Students will take a 25 question multiple choice test.


Assignment: Students will read section 1 of Beowulf, answering study guide questions 1-10.


09-12: Wednesday:


Objective:        Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.




Activity: Students will read section 2 of Beowulf and answer questions 11-26 in the study guide


Assignment: complete and questions you didn’t finish in class.


09-13: Thursday:


Objective:        Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.




Activity: Students will read section 3 of Beowulf and answer questions 27-33 in the study guide


Assignment: complete and questions you didn’t finish in class.


09-14: Friday:


Objective:        Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text.




Activity: Students will read section 4 of Beowulf and answer questions 34-46 in the study guide


Assignment: complete and questions you didn’t finish in class. Study for a test on Beowulf—including plot questions, character identification, vocabulary terms, literary terms, and vocabularyon Tuesday.




Class: Argument  & Performance




 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




09-10: Monday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines


Assignment: Find 2 minutes of stand-up comedy that you are prepared to deliver in class, and begin to practice your delivery.


Happy Labor Day!


09-11: Tuesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines


Assignment: Find 2 minutes of stand-up comedy that you are prepared to deliver in class, and begin to practice your delivery.


09-12: Wednesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Discussion of speech techniques, including rate, intensity, and eye contact.


Assignment: analyze one classmate’s performance.




09-13: Thursday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Discussion of speech techniques, including pitch, volume, and tone.


Assignment: analyze one classmate’s performance.


09-14: Friday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Student performances


Assignment: analyze classmates’ performances.






Argument 2


09-10: Monday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines


Assignment: Find 2 minutes of stand-up comedy that you are prepared to deliver in class, and begin to practice your delivery.


09-11: Tuesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching stand-up routines


Assignment: Find 2 minutes of stand-up comedy that you are prepared to deliver in class, and begin to practice your delivery.


09-12: Wednesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Discussion of speech techniques, including rate, intensity, and eye contact.


Assignment: analyze one classmate’s performance.




09-13: Thursday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Discussion of speech techniques, including pitch, volume, and tone.


Assignment: analyze one classmate’s performance.


09-14: Friday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Student performances


Assignment: analyze classmates’ performances.



Week Three: September 03- 07


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


09-03: Monday: Happy Labor Day!

09-04: Tuesday:

Objective: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression

Activity: Students will work in a large group to study a set of new vocabulary words, practice pronunciation, and then put the new terms into sentences of their own construction.

Assignment: Complete sentences for 17 vocabulary terms from the “Phobia” and “Phil” list.


09-05: Wednesday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: Students will discuss their vocabulary sentences with the large group.

Assignment: Quiz on the new vocabulary terms tomorrow.

09-06: Thursday:

Objective: Students will take an assessment on 25 vocabulary terms.

Activity: A quiz with 16 multiple choice questions and 3 original sentences.

09-07: Friday:

Objective: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: Review of the vocabulary quiz. Lecture, small group work, and large group discussion on the topic of Humarabi’s code.

Assignment: Complete the research for your group’s presentation on one of Hammurabi’s laws, if it wasn’t completed in class. 


Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


09-03: Monday: Happy Labor Day!

09-04: Tuesday:

Objective: Students will take a formative assessment on the process of locating and translating ancient literature.

Activity: Quiz

09-05: Wednesday:

Objective:         Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: Students will research and take notes on Gilgamesh and participate in a large class discussion of the new material.

Assignment: Read “Tablet 1” of The Epic of Gilgamesh—Sanders translation

09-06: Thursday:

Objective:         Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: Students will research and take notes on Gilgamesh and participate in a large class discussion of the new material.

Assignment: Read “Tablet 1” of The Epic of Gilgamesh—Rowland Translation


09-07: Friday:


Objective:         Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


Activity: Students will research and take notes on Gilgamesh and participate in a large class discussion of the new material.


Assignment: Read “Tablets 2 & 3” of The Epic of Gilgamesh—Sanders Translation




Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


09-03: Monday: Happy Labor Day!

09-04: Tuesday:

Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

Activity: Students will work in small groups to finish reading “The Final Problem, answering text-based questions as they read.

Assignment: Complete reading p. 9-14 & answer the remaining study guide questions (23-49) if they aren’t completed in class.

09-05: Wednesday:

Objective:         Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: Students will research and take notes on Beowulf and participate in a large class discussion of the new material.

Assignment: Quiz on the introductory material Friday—25 multiple choice questions.

09-06: Thursday:

Objective:         Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Activity: Students will research and take notes on Beowulf and participate in a large class discussion of the new material.

Assignment: Quiz on the introductory material Friday—25 multiple choice questions.

09-07: Friday:

Objective: Students will engage in a formative assessment of the introductory material.

Activity: Students will take a 25 question multiple choice test.

Assignment: Students will read section 1 of Beowulf, answering study guide questions 1-10.


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


09-03: Monday: Happy Labor Day!

09-04: Tuesday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching and commenting on the speeches at last week’s funerals for Aretha Franklin and Senator John McCain.


09-05: Wednesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching and commenting on Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.


Assignment: Analyze Mr. Pausch for Ethos & Pathos in a written paragraph




09-06: Thursday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching and commenting on Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.


Assignment: Analyze Mr. Pausch for Logos & Kairos in a written paragraph

09-07: Friday:

Objective: Students will participate in theater warm-up exercises

Activity: Vocal warm-ups, improve exercises



Argument 2

09-03: Monday: Happy Labor Day!

09-04: Tuesday:

Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Watching and commenting on the speeches at last week’s funerals for Aretha Franklin and Senator John McCain.


09-05: Wednesday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Re-watching and commenting on speeches for McCain’s funeral. Terms to be covered: anthypophora, congery.


Assignment: Analyze speakers for their use of rhetorical techniques—one well-written paragraph will be enough.




09-06: Thursday:


Objective: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Activity: Re-watching and commenting on any campaign speech by Mr. Trump. Terms to be covered: antonomasia, asyndeton.


Assignment: Analyze speakers for their use of rhetorical techniques—one well-written paragraph will be enough.



09-07: Friday:

Objective: Students will participate in theater warm-up exercises

Activity: Vocal warm-ups, improv exercises


Week Two: August 27-31 2018-19

Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


08-27: Monday: Small group work & large class discussion on the topic of Origin Myths. Review of the Big Myth Website. Homework: Origin Myth worksheet, if it isn’t completed in class.

08-28: Tuesday: Lecture and Large group discussion of Origin Myths. Reading p. 3080319 in the Holt World Literature textbook. Questions 1-5 on p. 320.

08-29: Wednesday: Lecture on vocabulary –acquisition, usage, and pronunciation. The vocabulary rubric will be reviewed. Homework: Chapter 4 vocabulary sentences—roots “Phobia” and “Phil.”

08-30: Thursday: In class: Chapter 4 vocabulary exercises 4.1-4.2 (p.107-110 ) in our vocabulary packet. Homework: study for a quiz on vocabulary.

08-31: Friday: Vocabulary quiz #1: 20 multiple choice questions and 5 sentences—35 points total. Homework: 15 sentences for the assigned terms from sections 4.3 & 4.4 of our vocabulary packet. Have a great long weekend!


Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


08-27: Monday: Lecture and Large group discussion of Origin Myths. Vocabulary Lecture & discussion of the rubric.

Homework: Complete exercises 4.1-4.2 (p.107-110 ) in our vocabulary packet and write 15 sentences using the new vocabulary terms.

08-28: Tuesday: Vocabulary review. Lecture, small group work, and large group discussion on the topic of Humarabi’s code. Homework: Read p. 7-17 of the introduction to The Epic of Gilgamesh.

08-29: Wednesday: In class: Film about Gilgamesh. Students will fill out a worksheet as we watch. Homework: Read p. 17-30 of the introduction to The Epic of Gilgamesh.

08-30: Thursday: In class: Day 2 of the film about Gilgamesh. Students will fill out a 2nd worksheet as we watch.

08-31: Friday: Quiz on the introduction material to Gilgamesh.

Homework: Read chapter 1 of The Epic of Gilgamesh, p. 60-69. Have a great long weekend!


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


08-27: Monday: Sherlock—video and character sketch, which is a worksheet and is due Tuesday if it isn’t completed in class.


08-28: Tuesday: Reading “The Final Problem” by Arthur Conan Doyle in class. In class, we’ll read p. 3-8 & answer questions 1-22 in the study guide. Homework: students should write sentences for the 16 vocabulary terms starred in their study guides.

08-29: Wednesday: Reading “The Final Problem” by Arthur Conan Doyle in class. In class, we’ll read p. 9-14 & answer questions 23-49 in the study guide.

08-30: Thursday: Watching Sherlock. Completing a character sketch for Moriarity in class. Notes on Beowulf if time allows.

08-31: Friday: More notes on Beowulf. No homework! Have a great long weekend!


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


08-27: Monday: Students will watch and comment on Food,Inc!

08-28: Tuesday: SPAR debates in groups of 4-5, then as a large group.

08-29: Wednesday: Notes on Ethos & Logos. Watching and commenting on Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.

08-30: Thursday: Notes on Pathos & Kairos. Last Lecture, continued—in-class notes, essay, and large group discussion.

08-31: Friday: Students will watch and comment on will Farrell’s graduation speech.


Argument 2

08-27: Monday: Students will watch and comment on Food,Inc!

08-28: Tuesday: SPAR debates – Argument 2 students will take notes during SPAR debates and research statistics on both sides, offering help to floundering debaters.

08-29: Wednesday: Worksheets on 21 rhetorical devices. Watching and commenting on Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.

08-30: Thursday: Worksheets on 21 rhetorical devices. Watching and commenting on Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.

08-31: Friday: Students will watch and comment on Will Farrell’s graduation speech.

Week Twenty-nine: March 19-23

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

03-19: Monday: Watching the remainder of Julius Caesar; packets due

03-20: Tuesday: Keystone Exam notes & practice questions--mcq

03-21: Wednesday: Keystone Exam notes & essay

03-22: Thursday: Keystone Exam #2

03-23: Friday:Keystone Exam #3


 Per 5, Room 239 

03-19: Monday: Keystone practice essay

03-20: Tuesday: Notes on Keystone practice questions

03-21: Wednesday: Keystone exam prep

03-22: Thursday: Keystone exam prep

03-23: Friday: Keystone exam prep


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

03-19: Monday: Quizlet Vocabulary.

03-20: Tuesday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

03-21: Wednesday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

03-22: Thursday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

03-23: Friday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


03-19: Monday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—blocking; homework: put your soliloquy into your own words

03-20: Tuesday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—blocking; homework: memorize your soliloquy—due Monday

03-21: Wednesday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar--practice

03-22: Thursday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar--practice

03-23: Friday: Student performances—25 points


Week Twenty-eight: March 12-16

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

03-12: Monday: Acting out Act III, sc. 4

03-13: Tuesday: Quiz on Act III; Logical Fallacies projects due.

03-14: Wednesday: Act IV –reading the play in small groups

03-15: Thursday: Act V—reading the play in small groups

03-16: Friday:Watching the remainder of Julius Caesar


 Per 5, Room 239 

03-12: Monday: Discussion ofKite Runner, esp. themes, irony, and symbolism. Study for tomorrow’s test!

03-13: Tuesday:Kite Runner unit test

03-14: Wednesday: Kite Runner game

03-15: Thursday: Keystone exam prep

03-16: Friday: Keystone exam prep


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

03-12: Monday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm

03-13: Tuesday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm

03-14: Wednesday: Animal Farm vocabulary for chapters 1-4—sentences & quizlet

03-15: Thursday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

03-16: Friday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


03-12: Monday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—blocking; homework: put your soliloquy into your own words

03-13: Tuesday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—blocking; homework: memorize your soliloquy—due Monday

03-14: Wednesday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar--practice

03-15: Thursday: Act III, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar--practice

03-16: Friday: Student performances—25 points



Week Twenty-seven: March 05-09

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

03-05: Monday: Act III, sc ii--p.105-115—questions and quotations from the packet

03-06: Tuesday: Act III, sc ii--p.115-125—questions and quotations from the packet

03-07: Wednesday: Act III, sc ii--p.125-129—packet questions

03-08: Thursday: The remainder of Act III of Julius Caesar

03-09: Friday: Persuasion/Propaganda project: I will assign you at least one of the speeches from Act III. Create a 6-slide Powerpoint that explains what persuasion and propaganda techniques are used in the speech and discusses how effective or ineffective those techniques are. (The first slide is a title slide. Then tackle at least 2 legitimate persuasion techniques and at least 1 propaganda technique. Also, find at least one logical fallacy. One slide is a "gimme"--you can choose to discuss whichever of the three techniques you'd like to discuss.) Here are some sample slides.


 Per 5, Room 239 

03-05: Monday: Discussion ofKite Runner, Chapters 20-22; Read through Chapter 25 for Wednesday

03-06: Tuesday: : Discussion ofKite Runner, Chapters 20-22

03-07: Wednesday: Discussion of Kite Runner, Chapters 23-25

03-08: Thursday: Discussion of Kite Runner, Chapters 23-25; quizlet quiz on character names

03-09: Friday: Kite Runner quiz.


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

03-05: Monday: Propaganda project

03-06: Tuesday: Propaganda project

03-07: Wednesday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm

03-08: Thursday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm

03-09: Friday: Animal Farm vocabulary for chapters 1-4—sentences & quizlet

Monday of next week: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions.

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


03-05: Monday: Act II, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar –memorizing lines

03-06: Tuesday: Act II, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar--blocking

03-07: Wednesday: Act II, sc 4 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar--blocking

03-08: Thursday: Student performances—25 points

03-09: Friday: Impromptu exercise



Week Twenty-six: February 26-March 02


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239


02-26: Monday: Logical Fallacies, continued


02-27: Tuesday: Legitimate Persuasion--notes


02-28: Wednesday: Julius Caesar Act III, sc ii


03-01: Thursday: Julius Caesar Act III, sc ii


03-02: Friday: Project: Propaganda, Logical Fallacies, and Legitimate Persuasion in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar


Class: English 10 Accelerated




 Per 5, Room 239 


02-26: Monday: Discussion ofKite Runner, Chapters 10-15; Read through Chapter 20 for Friday


02-27: Tuesday: : Discussion ofKite Runner, Chapters 10-15


02-28: Wednesday: Keystone Activity #1


03-01: Thursday: Keystone Activity #1


03-02: Friday: Discussion of Kite Runner, chapters 16-29




Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239


02-26: Monday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm


02-27: Tuesday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm


02-28: Wednesday: Notes and class discussion on George Orwell and Animal Farm


03-01: Thursday: Animal Farm vocabulary for chapters 1-4—sentences & quizlet


03-02: Friday: Reading chapter 1 of Animal Farm & answering study guide questions. (Quiz once we’ve completed chapter 4, in about a week and a half.)


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




02-26: Monday: Introduction to Acting!! Or an introduction to analyzing media, beginning with The King’s Speech!!


02-27: Tuesday: Acting and/or analyzing media


02-28: Wednesday: Acting and/or analyzing media


03-01: Thursday: Acting and/or analyzing media


03-02: Friday: News Quiz/Impromptu



Week Twenty-four: February 12-16


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239


02-12: Monday: Act II, sc ii of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—in-class lecture and study guide questions


02-13: Tuesday: Act II, sc iii & iv of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; Quotations and whole act questions


02-14: Wednesday: Quiz on Act II.


02-15: Thursday: Act III, sc i of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; Quotations and whole act questions


02-16: Friday: Act III, sc i of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; acting activity


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239 


02-12: Monday: Discussion of Kite Runner & introductory notes. Homework: Read Chapters 3-5 for Thursday


02-13: Tuesday: : Discussion of Kite Runner & introductory notes. Homework: Read Chapters 3-5 for Thursday


02-14: Wednesday: . Quizlet on Farsi Terms—part 2


02-15: Thursday: Discussion of chapters 1-5 of Kite Runner.


02-16: Friday: Discussion of chapters 1-5. Homework: Read Chapters 6-7 & complete the packet questions.




Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239


02-12: Monday: Quiz on Act III & Act IV Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew


02-13: Tuesday: Reading Act V sc.i of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew


02-14: Wednesday: Reading Act V sc.ii of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew


02-15: Thursday: Watching Act V of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew


02-16: Friday: Quiz on Act V and the whole play.


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




02-12: Monday: Introduction to Logical Fallacies


02-13: Tuesday: Logical Fallacies, continued


02-14: Wednesday: Watching speeches (President Trump’s State of the Union, Speech to Republican Fundraisers) and SNL skits (Skit following the State of the Union Address, Philly vs. Boston.) and analyzing them for logical fallacies


02-15: Thursday: Watching speeches (President Trump’s State of the Union, Speech to Republican Fundraisers) and SNL skits (Skit following the State of the Union Address, Philly vs. Boston.) and analyzing them for logical fallacies


02-16: Friday: News Quiz



Week Twenty-three: January 5-February 9

Class: EngLesson Planslish 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

02-05: Monday: Discussion & Quizlet on Logical Fallacies

02-06: Tuesday: Act II, sc i of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.—quotations and whole act questions

02-07: Wednesday: Act II, sc ii of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—in-class lecture and study guide questions

02-08: Thursday: Act II, sc iii & iv of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; Quotations and whole act questions

02-09: Friday: Quiz on Act II.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

02-05: Monday: Discussion of Life of Pi & magical realism

02-06: Tuesday: Discussion of Life of Pi & literary techniques

02-07: Wednesday: Keystone Activity

02-08: Thursday: Keystone Activity #2

02-09: Friday: Introduction to Taming of the Shrew. Homework: read the Induction that precedes Act 1


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

02-05: Monday: Reading Act IV sc.iii of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02-06: Tuesday: Reading Act IV sc.iv of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02-07: Wednesday: Review of Acts III & IV; Watching the play and answering whole act questions

02-08: Thursday: Quiz on Acts III & IV Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02-09: Friday: Act V; Quiz on the whole play Wednesday of next week

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


02-05: Monday: Polishing affirmation and negation speeches for a new bill: AI

02-06: Tuesday: Questioning session—small groups.

02-07: Wednesday: Questioning session—large group.

02-08: Thursday: Student Congress

02-09: Friday: Student Congress, continued.


Week Twenty-two: January 29-February 2

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

01-29: Monday: Act I, sc ii of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.—quotations and whole act questions

01-30: Tuesday: Act I, sc iii of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar—in-class lecture and study guide questions

01-31: Wednesday: Act I, sc iii of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; Quotations and whole act questions

02-01: Thursday: Act I review --Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Quizlet and large group discussion

02-02: Friday: Quiz on Act I.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

01-29: Monday: Discussion of Life of Pi & magical realism

01-30: Tuesday: Small groupdiscussion of Life of Pi, chapters 66-90Homework: read chapters 91-93 for tomorrow

01-31: Wednesday: Discussion of Life of Pi. Homework: Read Chapters 94-100 for Friday

02-01: Thursday: Life of Pi Journal response—due in class.

02-02: Friday: Discussion of Life of Pi. Quiz on Monday.


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

01-29: Monday: Quiz on Act I Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

01-30: Tuesday: Act II, sc i of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

01-31: Wednesday: Act II, sc ii of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew; Quotations –small group work

02-01: Thursday: Act II, sc iii of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew

02-02: Friday: Act II overview; watching Act II of the play; quiz on Act II next week

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


01-29: Monday: Sponsorship speeches for a new bill: AI

01-30: Tuesday: Students will deliver sponsorship speeches, & teams will be chosen from a hat.

01-31: Wednesday: Students will write affirmation or negation speeches

02-01: Thursday: Students will discuss questioning techniques and practice questions

02-02: Friday: Students will prepare for an in-class Student Congress Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Crystallization speeches will be discussed and practiced.

Week Twenty: January 15-January 19


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239


01-15: Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—enjoy your long weekend!


01-16: Tuesday: Notes on Shakespeare’s use of literary techniques. A Worksheet for homework.


01-17: Wednesday: Notes on Julius Caesar & Rome, as well as Shakespeare’s life and times


01-18: Thursday: Quiz on introductory material: Shakespeare’s life and times, the Globe theater, Julius Caesar’s life and times, Shakespeare’s language & literary techniques.


01-19: Friday: Act I, sc 1 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239 


01-15: Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—enjoy your long weekend!


01-16: Tuesday: Discussion of Life of Pi. Homework: Read Chapters 20-36 for Thursday;


01-17: Wednesday: Watching O Brother, Where Art Thou; discussing allusions


01-18: Thursday: Watching O Brother, Where Art Thou; discussing allusions; brief discussion of Life of Pi


01-19: Friday: Finishing O Brother, Where Art Thou; discussing allusions, discussing Life of Pi. For Monday01/22: Read through chapter 65.




Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239


01-15: Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—enjoy your long weekend!


01-16: Tuesday: Notes on Shakespeare’s Language & use of literary techniques


01-17: Wednesday: Quiz on Act n introductory material for Taming of the Shrew: Shakespeare’s life and times, the Globe theater, Shakespeare’s language & literary techniques.


01-19: Friday: Taming of the Shrew: Act I, Scene i


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




01-15: Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—enjoy your long weekend!


01-16: Tuesday: Students will deliver negation speeches &/or write affirmation speeches


01-17: Wednesday: Students will write affirmation speeches


01-18: Thursday: Students will deliver affirmation speeches


01-19: Friday: Students will deliver affirmation speeches.  



Week Sixteen: December 11-December 15

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

12-11: Monday: Revising introductory paragraphs; taking notes on body paragraphs

12-12: Tuesday: revising body paragraphs; taking notes on conclusions

12-13: Wednesday: Revising conclusions; quizlet on Elizabethan terms

12-14: Thursday: Notes on Shakespeare’s life & works

12-15: Friday: Notes on Shakespeare’s life & works

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

12-11: Monday: Performing a choral section from Medea

12-12: Tuesday: Reading Tennyson’s “Ulysses” & writing a poetry explication.

12-13: Wednesday: Launching the Allusions project

12-14: Thursday: Allusions project day

12-15: Friday: Allusions Project day


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

 12-11: Monday: Vocabulary for Stave 2 of A Christmas Carol—writing 26 sentences

12-12: Tuesday: Reading A Christmas Carol, completing study guide questions 1-7 for Stave 2.

12-13: Wednesday: Reading A Christmas Carol, completing study guide questions 8-10 for Stave 2.

12-14: Thursday: Quiz on Stave 2 vocabulary , plot and characterization.

12-15: Friday: Vocabulary for Stave 3 of A Christmas Carol..

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


12-11: Monday: Discussion of AI research, so far.

12-12: Tuesday: Discussion of Scientific research and statistics—John Oliver Clip

12-13: Wednesday: Notes on Student Congress & writing legislation

12-14: Thursday: Students will write a bill and a sponsorship speech

12-15: Friday: Students will deliver sponsorship speeches.  

Week Fifteen: December 4-December 8


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239


12-04: Monday: Notes on The Iliad, analysis of the movie Troy


12-05: Tuesday: Pull-out quotation essay—first draft


12-06: Wednesday: Notes on the 5 paragraph essay, quotations


12-07: Thursday: Newspaper activity—20 points


12-08: Friday: Allusions mini-project.


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239 


12-04: Monday: Quiz on Hamilton’s Mythology: The Odyssey, The Trojan War, Hercules and his labors, Midas, etc, & the authors, of course.


12-05: Tuesday: Reading Medea aloud in class


12-06: Wednesday: Chorus Reading Medea aloud in class; Introduction to the Allusions project.  


12-07: Thursday: Allusions project day


12-08: Friday: Allusions Project day




Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239


 12-04: Monday: Quiz on Dicken’s A Christmas Carol—Introductory notes and vocabulary for Stave One


12-05: Tuesday: Reading A Christmas Carol, completing study guide questions as we progress. Q. 1-12


12-06: Wednesday: Reading A Christmas Carol, completing study guide questions as we progress. The remainder of Stave One. Introduction to vocabulary for Vocabulary for Stave 2.


12-07: Thursday: Quizlet on Stave 2 vocabulary. 18 sentences.


12-08: Friday: Reading A Christmas Carol, completing study guide questions as we progress. Stave 2 questions.


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




12-04: Monday: Discussion of AI research, so far. Argument game—taking notes, the format for responding to points and questions.


12-05: Tuesday: Discussion of Scientific research and statistics—John Oliver Clip


12-06: Wednesday: Notes on Student Congress & writing legislation


12-07: Thursday: Students will write a bill and a sponsorship speech


12-08: Friday: Students will deliver sponsorship speeches.  



Week Fourteen: November 27-December 1

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

11-27: Monday: No School.

11-28: Tuesday: Notes on The Iliad, analysis of the movie Troy.

11-29: Wednesday: Notes on The Iliad, analysis of the movie Troy.  

11-30: Thursday: Pull-out quotation essay

12-01: Friday: Allusions mini-project.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

11-27: Monday: No School.

11-28: Tuesday: Review of Hercules cards. Reading Medea aloud in class; answering study guide questions as we go. Homework: Read "The Adventures of Odysseus" (p.202-219.) Make cards on the following: Odysseus, Cassandra, Penelope, Telemachus, Calypso, Nausicaa, Lotus-eaters, Polyphemus, Circe, Sirens, Eamaeus, Eurycleia

11-29: Wednesday: Chorus Activity: students will work in small groups to prepare short choral odes.

11-30: Thursday: Quiz on Hamilton’s Mythology: The Odyssey, The Trojan War, Hercules and his labors, Midas, etc, & the authors, of course.

12-01: Friday: Reading Medea aloud in class . Introduction to the Allusions project.  


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

 11-27: Monday: No school

11-28: Tuesday Notes on the Medieval Code of Chivalry, analysis of the movie The Knight’s Tale.

11-29: Wednesday: Notes, Class Discussion, and a lecture on Charles Dickens.

11-30: Thursday: Notes, Class Discussion, and a lecture on Charles Dickens.

12-01: Friday: Vocabulary exercises to prepare for Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Quiz on Monday.  

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


11-27: Monday: No School

11-28: Tuesday: Students will choose a sub-topic on our AI project and research that sub-topic.

11-29: Wednesday: Students will choose a sub-topic on our AI project and research that sub-topic.

11-30: Thursday: Students will discuss their findings so far.

12-01: Friday: Argument game.  



Week Thirteen: November 20-24

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239

11-20: Monday: Reading The Iliad in class, answering study guide questions as we go.  

11-21: Tuesday: Notes on The Iliad, analysis of the movie Troy.

11-22: Wednesday: Notes on The Iliad, analysis of the movie Troy.  

11-23: Thursday: No School. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-24: Friday: No School. Happy Black Friday!  

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

11-20: Monday: Reading Medea aloud in class; answering study guide questions as we go.

11-21: Tuesday: Reading Medea aloud in class; answering study guide questions as we go.

11-22: Wednesday: Chorus Activity: students will work in small groups to prepare short choral odes. Homework: Read about Hercules -- p. 152-172 –20 pages, 21 cards-- Hercules, Alcmena, Iphicles, Teiresius, Thespian Lion, Megara, Eurystheus, Admetus, Deianira & the12 labors (you can put them all on one card if you’d like, but you’ll eventually need to know them all, in order—so maybe that’s 32 cards, depending on how you use them to study.)

11-23: Thursday: No School. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-24: Friday: No School. Happy Black Friday!  


Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

 11-20: Monday: Notes on the Medieval Code of Chivalry, analysis of the movie The Knight’s Tale.

11-21: Tuesday Notes on the Medieval Code of Chivalry, analysis of the movie The Knight’s Tale.

11-22: Wednesday: Notes on the Medieval Code of Chivalry, analysis of the movie The Knight’s Tale.

11-23: Thursday: No School. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-24: Friday: No School. Happy Black Friday!  

Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


11-20: Monday: Students will review ethos, logos, & pathos, & take notes on kairos.

11-21: Tuesday: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, & kairos.

11-22: Wednesday: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, & kairos. Homework: Read 3 articles from my website on AI; find 3 articles on AI that are related to your assigned sub-topic and add their citations, as well as a summary, to the class wiki on easybib.

11-23: Thursday: No School. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-24: Friday: No School. Happy Black Friday!  


Week Twelve: November 13--17


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239




11-13: Monday: Notes on The Iliad and Homer; quizlet on Trojan characters and Greek characters in The Iliad


11-14: Tuesday: Introduction to Greek Mythology--worksheet; Quizlet on the Greek gods. Anything not completed in class will be homework.


11-15: Wednesday: Reading The Iliad in class, answering study guide questions as we go. Book 1, questions 1-12


11-16: Thursday: Reading The Iliad in class, answering study guide questions as we go. Book 1, questions 13-24


11-17: Friday: Reading The Iliad in class, answering study guide questions as we go.   Book 1, questions 25-30; Book 22, questions 1-6


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239 


11-13: Monday: 42 notecards due (the “Golden Fleece” set and Chapter 1)


Reading Medea in class. Homework: Quiz on chapters 1 & 2 & the Greek authors Wednesday. Read Chapter 2 (p. 47-62) & create flashcards for the following characters: Demeter, Persephone, Dionysus/Bacchus,


11-14: Tuesday: Reading Medea in class; Study for tomorrow’s quiz.


11-15: Wednesday: Quiz on Chapters 1 & 2 of Hamilton’s Mythology & the authors, of course.


1-16: Thursday: Reading Medea in class. Homework: Answer the accompanying study guide questions.


11-17: Friday Reading Medea in class, answering study guide questions as we progress. Homework: read p. 131-140, = Midas, p. 278-9—9 pages, 9 cards: Phaethon, Pegasus, Bellerophon, the Chimaera, Minos, Dedalus, Icharus, Midas, & the Minotaur.


Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239


 11-13: Monday: Notes on Chaucer and the Code of Chivalry.


11-14: Tuesday: Notes, continued; Reading the Introduction to The Canterbury Tales & completing study guide questions


11-15: Wednesday: Reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight—reading online--


11-16: Thursday:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight—reading online--


11-17: Friday: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight—reading online--








Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




11-13: Monday: Students will review ethos, logos, and pathos and take notes on Kairos and topos


11-14: Tuesday: Students will analyze 3 speeches for Kairos and tops


11-15: Wednesday: Quiz: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, kairos, & topos.


11-16: Thursday: Quiz: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, kairos, & topos.


11-17: Friday: Argument game


Week Eleven: November 06--10

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7 Room 239


11-06: Monday: review of vocabulary homework—Review 5-7 & “logy”

11-07: Tuesday: Keystone terms activity—review of Oedipus Rex quizzes  

11-08: Wednesday: Notes and discussion: Newspapers.

11-09: Thursday: Newspaper activity

11-10: Friday: Introduction to Greek Mythology: Worksheet.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

11-06: Monday: Epic Hero-Antihero-Tragic Hero discussion/essay; Homework: read the introduction to Edith Hamilton’s Mythology & answer the questions on the worksheet. Also read Chapter 1: Greek and Roman Authors. Create 10 flashcards for the following authors, explaining what each wrote about, giving biographical information when possible and naming major works when possible: Homer; Hesiod; Pindar; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; Aristophanes; Pausanais; Virgil; Ovid.

11-07: Tuesday: Worksheet/large group discussion of Hamilton’s introduction; quiz on the introduction and the authors on Thursday.

11-08: Wednesday: Homework: Reading "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" in Hamilton's Mythology, p. 117-130. Make 11 notecards on the following entities: The Golden Ram, Jason, Pelias, Argo, the Argonauts, the Harpies, the Amazons, King Æetes, Medea,  Apsyrtus, the Princess of Corinth. 

11-09: Thursday: Quiz on Greek & Roman authors and the introduction to Hamilton’s Mythology

11-10: Friday: Introduction to Medea—we’ll begin reading in class. Homework: read Read p. 24-46--"The Gods, the Creation, and the Earliest Heroes" --and make notecards for the following topics:The Titans (in general); Cronus/Saturn; Ocean & Tethys (1); Hyperion; Mnemosyne; Themis; Iapetus; Mt. Olympus; all 12 Olympians--each on separate cards; Eros/Cupid; The 3 Graces(1) and the 9 Muses (1); Proteus; the Naiads; Pan; Satyrs; Centaurs; Gorgons; Sirens; The Fates (1). That's a total of 31 cards, I believe. 

Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239

 11-06: Monday: Business/Research project due. Student presentations in small groups.

11-07: Tuesday: Reading “Literature in the Middle Ages” in the green Holt Literature book—p. 588-594. Answer the first reading question—“How was literature influenced by the 2 great institutions of the Middle Ages: the Church and feudalism?” as well as questions 1 & 2 on p. 604. Also, read p. 635 –the introduction to The Nibelungleid and put the vocabulary words from p. 637 into sentences of your own construction.

11-08: Wednesday: Also in the green Holt Literature book, read “How Seigfried was Slain,” p. 637-643. Answer questions 1-5, 7, &8 on p. 644. Also reproduce on your own paper the chart on p. 644 “Analyzing a Foil” & fill it out. Finally, answer questions 1-6 in the “Vocabulary Development” box, also on p. 644.  

11-09: Thursday: Notes on Chaucer and the Middle Ages. Reading a section of “The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales” in class, answering questions as we read.

11-10: Friday: Quizlet: Characters in The Canterbury Tales. Monday: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight—reading online--


Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


11-06: Monday: Students will practice delivering a speech, emphasizing varying rate, volume, and tone. Homework: memorize the first ten seconds of your speech and practice delivering it conversationally.

11-07: Tuesday: Students will practice delivering a speech, emphasizing eye contact & body language.

11-08: Wednesday: Quiz: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, kairos, & topos.

11-09: Thursday: Quiz: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, kairos, & topos.

11-10: Friday: Argument game

Week Ten October 30-Nov. 03


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239




10-30: Monday: Keystone terms activity—worksheet/excel sheet. Quiz Wednesday on Oedipus Rex.


10-31: Tuesday: terms activity—worksheet/excel sheet. Quiz Wednesday on Oedipus Rex.


11-01: Wednesday: Quiz on Oedipus Rex & applying Keystone terms. 30 mcq


11-02: Thursday: Vocabulary Exercises—review 5-7 & ex. 4.9 & 4.10, p. 419-425


11-03: Friday: Vocabulary Review


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239 


10-30: Monday: Review of Study Guide Questions for Things Fall Apart, Ch. 19-21


10-31: Tuesday: Reading Oedipus Rex—Part Two in class; Homework: Read through chapter 25 of Things Fall Apart for Friday.


11-01: Wednesday: Discussion of Oedipus Rex—Part Two in class


11-02: Thursday: Notes on Epic Heroes, tragic heroes and anti-heroes.


11-03: Friday: Discussion of the main characters in Oedipus Rex & Things Fall Apart


Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239


 10-30: Monday: Business/Research project. Slides 6-8.


10-31: Tuesday: Business/Research project. Slides 9-12.


11-01: Wednesday: Business/Research project. Slides 13-16.


11-02: Thursday: Newspaper activity—25 points


11-03: Friday: Shark Tank activity. Worksheet.




Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




10-30: Monday: Students will finish recording and briefly discuss their responses to the “Voice of Democracy” project prompt.


10-31: Tuesday: Students will review ethos, logos, pathos, kairos & topos, as well as the Toulmin method of speech analysis.


11-01: Wednesday: Quiz: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, kairos, & topos.


11-02: Thursday: Quiz: Students will analyze 2 speeches using ethos, logos, pathos, kairos, & topos.


11-03: Friday: Argument game

Week Nine October 23-27


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7 Room 239


10-23: Monday: Reading Oedipus Rex aloud p. 246-252, including the last choral ode, answering questions in the margins as we read and summarizing the choral ode when we get to it.


10-24: Tuesday: Reading Oedipus Rex Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 252-258. Worksheet on dramatic terms.


10-25: Wednesday: Reading Oedipus Rex Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 252-258. Worksheet on dramatic terms.


10-26: Thursday: Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 258-262.


10-27: Friday: Keystone terms activity—worksheet/excel sheet. Quiz Monday.


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239 


10-23: Monday: Review of Study Guide Questions for Things Fall Apart, Ch. 7-13


10-24: Tuesday: Small group work on ch. 14-16 (study guide)


10-25: Wednesday: Discussion of Oedipus Rex—Part One; Homework: Read Chapter 17 of Things Fall Apart for Thursday.


10-26: Thursday: Discussion of Chapter 17 of Things Fall Apart. Reading Oedipus Rex—Part Two in class; Homework: Read Chapter 18 of Things Fall Apart for Friday.


10-27: Friday: Discussion of Chapter 18 of Things Fall Apart. Reading Act 2 of Oedipus Rex & answering questions as we go—p. 248-262. Homework: Read Chapters 19-21 for Monday.


Class: English 12 Practical


 Per 3, Room 239




10-24: Tuesday: Business Project Launch—Slides 1-3. Review of Business Terms and concepts


10-25: Wednesday: Quiz on Business terms and concepts. Project work—slides 4-5.


10-26: Thursday: Business/Research project. Slides 6-8.


10-27: Friday: Shark Tank activity. Worksheet.




Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




10-23: Monday: Students will prepare an outline and/or 1st draft in response to the “Voice of Democracy” project prompt.


10-24: Tuesday: Students will record their speeches for the “Voice of Democracy” project.


10-25: Wednesday: Recordings are due by the end of the period.


10-26: Thursday: Students will practice the delivery of their speeches.


10-27: Friday: Student speeches, continued. All speeches are due today.


Week Eight October 16-20

Class: English 10 College Prep

 Per 2,7 Room 239


10-16: Monday: Practicing reading a choral ode—p. 234-235; Greek Chorus Worksheet

10-17: Tuesday: Review of Questions from Oedipus Rex, Act 1; Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 237-245.

10-18: Wednesday: Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 246-256.

10-19: Thursday: Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 257-262.

10-20: Friday: Keystone terms activity—worksheet/excel sheet 

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239 

10-16: Monday: Skits & a discussion of proverbs

10-17: Tuesday: Review of Study Guide Questions for Things Fall Apart, Ch. 1-10; Small group work on ch. 11-13 (study guide)

10-18: Wednesday: Discussion of Things Fall Apart—Part One; Homework—Read Chapters 14-16 for Monday.

10-19: Thursday: Practicing reading a choral ode—p. 234-235; Reading Act 2 & answering questions as we go—p. 237-247.

10-20: Friday: Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 248-262.

Class: English 12 Practical

 Per 3, Room 239


10-16: Monday: Business Week! Students will report to their assigned groups.

10-17: Tuesday: Business Week! Students will report to their assigned groups.

10-18: Wednesday: Business Week! Students will report to their assigned groups.

10-19: Thursday: Business Week! Students will report to their assigned groups.

10-20: Friday: Business Week! Students will report to their assigned groups.


Class: Argument  & Performance

 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


10-16: Monday: Students will watch and comment on the documentary Blackfish, preparing to debate the proper role of zoos and aquariums.

10-17: Tuesday: Students will watch and comment on the documentary Blackfish, preparing to debate the proper role of zoos and aquariums.

10-18: Wednesday: Students will watch and comment on the documentary Blackfish, preparing to debate the proper role of zoos and aquariums.

10-19: Thursday: Students will watch and comment on the documentary Blackfish, preparing to debate the proper role of zoos and aquariums.

10-20: Friday: Argument game



Week Seven: October 9-13

Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


10-09: Monday: No School

10-10: Tuesday: Review of vocabulary terms 4.5-4.7—quiz tomorrow; Review of Greek Theater information

10-11: Wednesday: Vocabulary quiz for terms 4.5-4.7; Review of Questions from Oedipus Rex, Act 1; Reading aloud the Choral Ode on p. 234-235

10-12: Thursday: Oedipus Rex-- Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 237-245.

10-13: Friday: Reading Act 2 aloud & answering questions as we go—p. 246-256.



Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


10-09: Monday: No School!

10-10: Tuesday: Brief review of vocabulary terms 4.5-4.7; Review of Greek Theater information; Reading aloud the Choral Ode on p. 234-235. Homework: Reading Chapters 11-14 in Things Fall Apart for Friday

10-11: Wednesday: Reading Act 2 of Oedipus Rex and answering questions as we go—p. 237-245; Homework—read p. 245-256.

10-12: Thursday: Reading in class, p. 257-262; packet terms: catharsis, climax, anagnorisis and peripetia, falling action

10-13: Friday: “Who is primarily at fault for the horrifying events depicted in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex?” Class discussion/debate.

Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


10-09: Monday: No School!

10-10: Tuesday: League of Denial discussion/review

10-11: Wednesday: Introduction to the research project: “Why Do You Want To Work Here”? Lecture, Notes, and Discussion. Research Project—slides 1 & 2—Company Description

10-12: Thursday: Research project: slide 3—financial information –notes and discussion

10-13: Friday: Shark Tank analysis & terms review



Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


10-09: Monday: No School!

10-10: Tuesday: Review of League of Denial & article summaries; Review of

10-11: Wednesday: Students will hold a semi-formal debate about banning organized tackle football for players younger than 7th grade (13 years old.)

10-12: Thursday: Students will watch and comment on Brene Brown’s TED talk about “The Power of Vulnerability”

10-13: Friday: Blue-Ribbon School Celebration Activities


Week Six: October 2-5


Class: English 10 College Prep




Per 2,7, Room 239




10-02: Monday: Oedipus Rex—reading to the end of Act 1—p 229-235 and answering 10 questions in the margins.


10-03: Tuesday: Oedipus Rex—questions 1-10 at the end of Act 1, p. 236


10-04: Wednesday: Complete ex. 4.5 on p. 112; 4.6 on 114 and 4.7 on p. 115—go over answers in class as a large group.


10-05: Thursday: Write original sentences for 18 vocabulary words.


10-06: Friday: No School!




Class: English 10 Accelerated




Per 5, Room 239




10-02: Monday: Oedipus Rex—reading to the end of Act 1—p 229-235 and answering 10 questions in the margins. Homework: Read through chapter 6 in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart for Wednesday.


10-03: Tuesday: Oedipus Rex—questions 1-10 at the end of Act 1, p. 236. Homework: Read through chapter 6 in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart for Wednesday.


10-04: Wednesday: Small group work—review questions for chapters 1-4 of Things Fall Apart before tackling questions for chapter 5.


10-05: Thursday: Small group work—questions for Chapter 6 of Things Fall Apart. Homework: Read through Chapter 10 for Tuesday, completing study guide questions as you read.


10-06: Friday: No School!


Class: English 12 Practical




Per 3, Room 239




10-02: Monday: Watching “League of Denial” and answering worksheet questions as they progress. They should take a few notes to prepare for a debate: “Should the Federal Government ban organized tackle football for players younger than 8th grade?”


10-03: Tuesday: Watching “League of Denial” and answering worksheet questions as they progress.


10-04: Wednesday: Students should use the laptops to research new developments in the concussion crisis. Each student should find, read, and write a summary for at least one article today.


10-05: Thursday: Newspaper activity


10-06: Friday: No School!




Class: Argument  & Performance




 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




10-02: Monday: Watching “League of Denial” and answering worksheet questions as they progress.


10-03: Tuesday: Students should use the laptops to research new developments in the concussion crisis. Each student should find, read, and write a summary for at least one article today.


10-04: Wednesday: Students will use laptops to prepare for a debate about banning organized tackle football for players younger than 7th grade (13 years old.)


10-05: Thursday: Students will watch and comment on Simon Sinek’s TED talk about “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”


10-06: Friday: No School!

Week Five: September 25 -29


Class: English 10 College Prep




Per 2,7, Room 239




09-25: Monday: Lecture and Large group discussion of Greek Theater—Aristotle’s rules of criticism and background information of Sophocles


09-26: Tuesday: Lecture and Large group discussion of Greek Theater—theater diagram ; margin questions p. 204-208


09-27: Wednesday: Oedipus Rex—reading and answering questions in the margins p. 209-220.


09-28: Thursday: Oedipus Rex—reading and answering questions in the margins p. 220-230.


09-29: Friday: Oedipus Rex—reading and answering questions in the margins p. 230-237.




Class: English 10 Accelerated




Per 5, Room 239




09-25: Monday: Lecture and Large group discussion of Greek Theater—Aristotle’s rules of criticism and background information of Sophocles


Homework: Read through chapter 4 in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart for Friday, completing the packet questions as you read.


09-26: Tuesday: Lecture and Large group discussion of Greek Theater—theater diagram ; margin questions p. 204-208


09-27: Wednesday: Lecture and discussion of the chorus in Greek Theater—an accompanying worksheet is due. Reading p. 209-220 in class, answering the questions in the margins as they read.


09-28: Thursday: Oedipus Rex—reading and answering questions in the margins p. 220-230.


09-29: Friday: Oedipus Rex—reading and answering questions in the margins p. 230-237.


Questions for chapters 1-4 of Things Fall Apart are due today.


Homework: Read Chapters 5-6 in Things Fall Apart over the weekend.




Class: English 12 Practical




Per 3, Room 239




09-25: Monday: Beowulf—creating a list of similarities and differences between the ancient written version and Hollywood’s remake. 5 similarities and 8 differences are due.


09-26: Tuesday: Beowulf-- creating a list of similarities and differences between the ancient written version and Hollywood’s remake. 5 more similarities and 8 more differences are due.


09-27: Wednesday: Reading “Parson’s Pleasure” and answering questions in a worksheet.


09-28: Thursday: Watching “League of Denial” and answering worksheet questions as they progress. They should take a few notes to prepare for a debate: “Should the Federal Government ban organized tackle football for players younger than 8th grade?”


09-29: Friday: Watching “League of Denial” and answering worksheet questions as they progress. They should take a few notes to prepare for a debate: “Should the Federal Government ban organized tackle football for players younger than 8th grade?”




Class: Argument  & Performance




 Per 6 & 8, Room 239




09-25: Monday: Students will watch and comment on Bernie Sander’s speech to Liberty University


09-26: Tuesday: Students will watch and comment on Simon Sinek’s TED talk about “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”


09-27: Wednesday: Students will watch and comment on PBS’s report, “League of Denial: the Concussion Crisis in America”   They will prepare for a debate about banning organized tackle football for players younger than 7th grade (13 years old.)


09-28: Thursday: “League of Denial” continued


09-29: Friday: Once the movie has completed, Students will use the laptops in the cart at the back of the room to find, read, and briefly summarize at least 3 articles about the concussion crisis, in preparation for a discussion/debate.



Week Four: September 18-22


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239


09-18: Monday: Students will read an excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh and work to complete questions 1-20 in the packet.

09-19: Tuesday: Students will read an excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh and work to complete questions 21-40 in the packet.

09-20: Wednesday: The Epic of Gilgamesh—in class discussion and essay.

09-21: Thursday: Vocabulary—ex. 4.5-4.6; Notes on epic heroes and an introduction to The Iliad

09-22: Friday: Writing vocabulary sentences for 4.5-4.6


Class: English 10 Accelerated


Per 5, Room 239


09-18: Monday: Small group work—Questions on tablets 6-9

09-19: Tuesday: Small Group work –Questions on tablets 10-12

09-20: Wednesday:Quiz on The Epic of Gilgamesh

09-21: Thursday: Notes on Greek Drama

09-22: Friday: Oedipus Rex –reading in class and answering questions 1-10 in the margins.


Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


09-18: Monday: Beowulf-- reading, discussion, and study guide questions21-30

09-19: Tuesday: Beowulf-- reading, discussion, and study guide questions 31-40

09-20: Wednesday: Beowulf film & discussion 41-46

09-21: Thursday: Vocabulary and introductory notes for the Business project

09-22: Friday: Beowulf film & discussion


Class: Argument  & Performance


 Per 6 & 8, Room 239


09-18: Monday: Students will watch and comment on Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk on creativity

09-19: Tuesday: Students will watch and comment on Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk

09-20: Wednesday: Students will watch and comment on Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on Body Language

09-21: Thursday: Chain Debate—Animal Rights

09-22: Friday: Students will watch and comment on Simon Sinek’s TED talk on leadership

Week 3: Sept. 11-15


Class: English 10 College Prep


Per 2,7, Room 239 


 09-11 Monday: Review of Mis and Dys sentences. Notes on The Epic of Gilgamesh.


Homework: Quiz tomorrow on vocabulary words with the root Mis and Dys. MCQ & sentences.


09-12 Tuesday: Quiz on Mis & Dys . Notes on Hammurabi’s code.


Homework: A worksheet on Hammurabi’s code


09-13 Wednesday:  Gilgamesh Film Day 1


09-14 Thursday: Gilgamesh Film, Day 2


09-15  Friday: Reading The Epic of Gilgamesh in class, answering packet questions1-11. p. 23-26


Class: English 10 Accelerated


 Per 5, Room 239


 09-11 Monday: Brief discussion of The Epic of Gilgamesh—tablets 1-3. Discussion of vocabulary sentences & the homework assignment.


Homework: Study for a quiz on Greek roots Phobia, Phil, Mis, & Dys.


09-12 Tuesday: Quiz on Phobia & Phil, Mis & Dys—Matching and a few sentences. In class: Comparison of 2 translations of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Homework: The discussion questions for Tablets 1-3


09-13 Wednesday: Large group discussion of Gilgamesh


Homework: Read the remainder of the epic; prepare to discuss the discussion questions.


09-14 Thursday: Lecture and discussion: Hammarabi’s Code


 09-15 Friday: Large group discussion of Gilgamesh








Class: English 12 Practical


Per 3, Room 239


09-11 Monday: Vocabulary set for Beowulf. Homework: Write sentences for the new vocabulary terms.


09-12 Tuesday: Review of the vocabulary sentences.


Homework: Quiz on introductory material and the new vocabulary tomorrow.


09-13 WednesdayQuiz tomorrow on Anglo Saxon words and characters from Beowulf. Notes on Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon literary devices


09-14 Thursday: Quiz on intro. notes and vocabulary. Kennings worksheet in class


09-15 Friday: Reading Beowulf in class; complete packet questions 1-15


Class: Argument  & Performance


  Per 8, Room 239




 09-11 Monday: In class discussion of Pausch’s “Last Lecture”—worksheet on ethos, logos, & pathos. This year’s argument topic: AI & Humanity


09-12 Tuesday: Lecture on the Toulmin method of describing & analyzing arguments. 3 pop songs. Homework: Reading an article from The Atlantic about concussions.


09-13 Wednesday: Toulmin method & Bernie Sanders . Homework: reading Stephen R. Toulmin’s “Parents, Stop Obsessing About Concussions.”


09-14 Thursday: Toulmin method & Judge Judy


09-15 Friday: Chain debate: concussions. Students will take notes, offer rebuttals, and flip sides in the argument when the whistle blows.


Week 2: Sept. 4-8

Class: English 10 College Prep

Per 2,7, Room 239 

 09-04 Monday: No School—Enjoy your weekend!

09-05 Tuesday: Notes on the characteristics of Origin Myths; interpretation project.

Homework: study for a quiz on phobia and Phil

09-06 Wednesday:  Quiz: Greek roots Phobia and Phil. Interpretation project in class.

09-07 Thursday: Reading in class: Origin myths on p. 308-319of the Holt Textbook. Questions 1-9 on p. 320.

09-08  Friday: Review of yesterday’s assignment. Vocabulary exercises: sentences for Mis & Dys. Homework: Quiz on Mis & Dys Monday.

Class: English 10 Accelerated

 Per 5, Room 239

 09-04 Monday: No School—Enjoy your weekend!

09-05 Tuesday: Review of the origin myth assignment from the textbook. A brief lecture and a few notes on origin myths in general. Review of origin myths at Homework: Read the origin myth you have been assigned, and then draw a chart and write a summary paragraph explaining which characteristics your myth fulfills, and which it does not. Is your myth a strong origin myth? Defend your response.

09-06 Wednesday: Large group discussion of various origin myths from Homework: Complete Sections 4.1-4.4 in the Green vocabulary book.

09-07 Thursday: Use 25 of your new vocabulary terms in sentences of your own construction. Read the prologue and Chapter 1 of The Epic of Gilgamesh in your black bound textbook, but also read chapter 1 from the white, paper booklet—a very different translation. Write a paragraph explaining which translation technique you prefer and why you prefer it.

 09-08 Friday: Vocabulary review. Gilgamesh (Film) (notes in worksheet form) Homework: Read Chapters 2-3 in Gilgamesh (--p. 96.) Also, there will be a brief quiz Monday on the new vocab. terms.




Class: English 12 Practical

Per 3, Room 239

09-04 Monday: No School—enjoy your weekend!

09-05 Tuesday: Large group discussion & quizlet review—Anglo Saxon words & Characters from Beowulf.. Homework: Quiz tomorrow on Anglo Saxon words and characters from Beowulf.

09-06 WednesdayQuiz tomorrow on Anglo Saxon words and characters from Beowulf. Notes on Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon literary devices

09-07 Thursday: Reading “The Seafarer” in Class—p. 13-16 in our Black Prentice Hall textbook. Answer questions at the end of the story

09-08 Friday: Notes on Beowulf. Quiz Tuesday on introductory notes and vocabulary terms for Beowulf.

Class: Argument  & Performance

  Per 8, Room 239


 09-04 Monday: No School—Enjoy your weekend!

09-05 Tuesday: Chain debate: Crushed ice vs. Cubed ice; Dogs vs. Cats. In-calss discussion: Notetaking, arguments & rebuttals, research. Homework: Chapter 1 of Omnivore’s Dilemma

09-06 Wednesday: Watching Food, Inc. and answering questions as we progress. Homework: Chapter21 of Omnivore’s Dilemma

09-07 Thursday: Watching Food, Inc. and answering questions as we progress. 

09-08 Friday: Chain debate: animal rights



